Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005): Revista Filosofía UIS

E. Husserl y el proyecto de la Filosofía como Ciencia Rigurosa. La deterritorialización de la Filosofía.

Mónica Marcela Jaramillo Mahut
Universidad Industrial de Santander


  • Husserl,
  • Dilthey,
  • naturalism,
  • philosophy,
  • nationalism

How to Cite

Jaramillo Mahut, M. M. E. Husserl y el proyecto de la Filosofía como Ciencia Rigurosa. La deterritorialización de la Filosofía. Revista Filosofía UIS, 4(2), 11–26. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafilosofiauis/article/view/7465


This article examines Husserlian idea of philosophy as a rigorous science. lts central argument is that philosophy is an activi1y that constantly transforms itself, but it is never limited to sorne kind of national facticiry. After a brief preamble of the actual problems that the Question of philosophy may carry out, specially to human sciences, it retakes, during its first section, Husserl's reading of Aristotle's idea of philosophy as science. The second and third sections develop Husserl's critiQμe to the empiric naturalism, and his critiQue to Dilthey's historicism, respectively. The fourth section clarifies the sense of philosophy as Universal Patrimony-as thought without territory' this does not leave out the relation of philosop~ to its singular origin, but it does prevent philosophy from re-entering into conservative national philosophies.


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