Global Existence and Stability to Isothermal Gas Dynamics System with an Outer Force
Xian-ting Wang, Yun-guang Lu, Leonardo Rendón
Global Existence and Stability to Isothermal Gas Dynamics System with an Outer Force
Revista Integración, vol. 38, no. 2, 2020
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Yun-guang Lu
Hangzhou Normal University, China
Leonardo Rendón
National University of Colombia, Colombia
Received: 26 February 2020
Accepted: 23 June 2020
Abstract: In this paper, we apply the classical viscosity method, coupled with the flux approximation and the compensated compactness theory to obtain the global existence of the bounded entropy solutions for the isothermal gas dynamics system with an outer source. The a-priori time-independent L ∞ estimates are proved by applying the maximum principle to a suitable non-linear coupled parabolic system of two equations.
Keywords: Global L ∞ solution, isothermal system, outer force, flux approximation, compensated compactness.
Resumen: En este artículo aplicamos el método clásico de viscosidad, junto con la aproximación de flujo y la teoría de la compacidad compensada, para obtener la existencia global de las soluciones entrópicas acotadas para el sistema dinámico de gas isotérmico con una fuente externa. Las estimaciones a priori de L ∞ independientes del tiempo se prueban aplicando el principio máximo para un sistema parabólico acoplado no lineal adecuado de dos ecuaciones.
Palabras clave: Soluciones L ∞ globales, sistema isotérmico, fuerzas externas, aproximación de flujo, compacidad compensada.
1. Introduction
In the paper [2] the authors applied the viscosity-flux approximation method coupled with the maximum principle to obtain the a-priori time-independent L ∞ estimates for the approximation solutions of the following compressible polytropic gas dynamics system with an outer force:
with bounded measurable initial data
where the pressure function takes P = ρ
, γ > 1 denotes the polytropic exponent, ρ is the density of gas and u is the velocity. The source α(x, t) is a function of the space variable x and the time variable t. Based on the compactness framework from the compensated compactness theory [11], [9], [4], [5], the pointwise convergence of the viscosity-flux approximation solutions and the global existence of the bounded entropy solutions for the Cauchy problem (1)-(2) were proved under the condition
where T(t) ∈ L1 (0, +∞), X(x) ∈ L1 (−∞, +∞).
In this paper, we study the isothermal gas, which is corresponding to the case of γ = 1. System (1) first appeared in [12]. When α(x, t) = 0, γ = 1, the study of the homogeneous system
has a long history. Under the Lagrangian coordinates, system (4) is equivalent to the system
where v = is the specific volume.
The first large data existence theorem for the Cauchy problem (5) with locally finite total variation initial data away from the vacuum (v = ∞) was obtained in [10] by using the Glimm’s scheme method (cf. [1]). The ideas of compensated compactness developed in [9], [11] were used in [3] to establish a global existence theorem for the Cauchy problem (4) with arbitrary large initial data including the vacuum (ρ = 0), with the use of the viscosity method.
To study the Cauchy problem (1)-(2), following [6], we consider the parabolic system
with initial data
where δ > 0 denotes a regular perturbation constant, and ϵ > 0 is the viscosity coefficient. We mainly have the following theorem in this paper,
Theorem 1.1. I.
Suppose α(x, t) is a suitable smooth function and it satisfies (3), where |X(x)|
L1(R) + |T(t)|
L1(R+) ≤ . Let the initial data (2) satisfy
are the Riemann invariants of (4) and M > 1 is a constant. Then, for fixed ϵ, δ, the Cauchy problem (6) and (7) has a global solution (ρϵ,δ , uϵ,δ ), ρϵ,δ ≥ 2δ > 0, satisfying
II. There exists a subsequence of (ρϵ,δ (x, t), uϵ,δ (x, t)), which converges pointwisely to a pair of bounded functions (ρ(x, t), u(x, t)) as δ, ϵ tend to zero, and the limit is a weak entropy solution of the Cauchy problem (1)-(2).
Remark. To construct the approximate solutions of the Cauchy problem (1)-(2), besides adding the classical viscosity parameter ϵ to the right-hand side of (1), we approximate the flux by adding a term depending on another parameter δ > 0 which vanishes when δ = 0. An obvious advantage of this kind of approximation on the flux functions is to obtain the positive lower bound ρ ≥ 2δ > 0, directly from the first equation in (6), which grantees that the term ρu
2 = is well defined. Moreover, for any weak entropy-entropy flux pair (η(ρ, m), q(ρ, m)) of system (4), we can easily prove that
with respect to the viscosity solutions (ρϵ,δ , mϵ,δ ) (cf. [7]).
2. Proof of Theorem 1.1
In this section, we shall prove Theorem 1.1. Multiplying (6) by and
, respectively, we have
are two eigenvalues of the approximation system (4), and m = ρu denotes the momentum and (w, z) is given by (9).
where T(t), X(x) are given by (3), and z = B(x, t) + v, we have from (13) that
where ϵ
1 > 0 is a suitable small constant, a(x, t) = u −
and b(x, t) = X(x). Similarly, letting
and w = C(x, t) + s, we have from (2.1) that
where c(x, t) = u +
and d(x, t) = X(x).
First, we can choose ϵ = o(ϵ 1) (if necessary, we may smooth X(x) by a mollifier as the authors did in [2]) such that the following three terms on the left-hand side of (17) and (19)
Second, by using the maximum principle to the first equation in system (6), we have the a-priori estimate ρϵ,δ ≥ 2δ.
Finally, by the calculations, we may obtain the some inequalities about the variables v and s.
Lemma 2.1.
Proof of Lemma 2.1. First, at the points (x, t) where ρ ≤ 1, the following terms on the left-hand side of (17)
Second, at the points (x, t) where ρ > 1, we have ≥ 1 − ϵ
2 > 0 for a small ϵ
2 > 0, and X(x) ln ρ = X(x)(
(v + s) + M). Then,
Therefore, the first inequality in (22) is proved. Similarly, we may prove the second inequality in (22). Lemma 2.1 is proved.
Since b 2(x, t) ≤ 0, d 2(x, t) ≤ 0, under the conditions given in (8), it is clear that v(x, 0) ≤ 0, s(x, 0) ≤ 0, so, we may apply the maximum principle (cf. Lemma 2.4 given in [8]) to (22) to obtain the estimates v(x, t) ≤ 0, s(x, t) ≤ 0, and so the estimates in (10).
From the estimates in (10), we can use the Riemann invariants (9) to obtain the following uniformly bounded estimates on (ρϵ,δ (x, t), mϵ,δ (x, t)) directly:
for a suitable positive constant M 1, which is independent of ϵ, δ and the time t. The existence result of the Cauchy problem (6)-(7) follows by applying the standard theory on the parabolic systems. Part I of Theorem 1.1 is proved. Furthermore, we may select a subsequence of (ρϵ,δ (x, t), mϵ,δ,µ (x, t)), which converges pointwisely to a pair of bounded functions (ρ(x, t), m(x, t)) as δ, ϵ tend to zero by using the compactness framework given in [3], and prove that the limit (ρ(x, t), m(x, t)) is an entropy solution of the Cauchy problem (1)-(2), so Theorem 1.1 is proved.
This paper is partially supported by the NSFC grant No. LY20A010023 of Zhejiang Province of China. The authors are very grateful to the referees for many valuable suggestions.
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To cite this article: Y.-G. Lu, X.-T. Wang and L. Rendón, Global Existence and Stability to Isothermal Gas Dynamics System with an Outer Force, Rev. Integr. temas mat. 38 (2020), No. 2, 103-108. doi: 10.18273/revint.v38n2-2020003