Oscar Eduardo Gualdron1*; Claudia Isaza2; Cristhian Manuel Duran1
1 Multisensory systems Research group.
* oscar.gualdron@unipamplona.edu.co
2 SISTEMIC Research group. Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia.
Fecha Recepción: 28 de diciembre de 2013
Fecha Aceptación: 17 de octubre de 2014
One of the principal inconveniences that analysis and information processing presents is that of the representation of dataset. Normally, one encounters a high number of samples, each one with thousands of variables, and in many cases with irrelevant information and noise. Therefore, in order to represent findings in a clearer way, it is necessary to reduce the amount of variables. In this paper, a novel variable selection technique for multivariable data analysis, inspired on stochastic methods and designed to work with support vector machines (SVM), is described. The approach is demonstrated in a food application involving the detection of adulteration of olive oil (more expensive) with hazelnut oil (cheaper). Fingerprinting by H NMR spectroscopy was used to analyze the different samples. Results show that it is possible to reduce the number of variables without affecting classification results.
Keywords: feature selection, H-NMR, simulated annealing, support vector machine, olive oil, hazelnut oil.
Uno de los principales inconvenientes que se presentan en el análisis y procesamiento de la información, es que en la representación de la información normalmente se encuentra un alto número de muestras, cada una de ellas con cientos de variables, en muchos casos con información irrelevante y ruidosa. Por lo que se hace necesario reducir la cantidad de variables. En este artículo se describe una novedosa técnica de selección de variables, inspirada en métodos estocásticos y diseñados para trabajar con máquinas de soporte vectorial (SVM). Los resultados son demostrados usando un conjunto de datos de aplicaciones alimentarias, específicamente, en la detección de la adulteración del aceite de oliva (más costosa) con aceite de avellana (barata). Para el análisis de las muestras se usó la técnica de espectroscopia RMN-1H (Resonancia magnética nuclear de protones). Los resultados demostraron que es posible reducir el número de variables sin afectar los resultados de clasificación.
Palabras clave: selección de parámetros, H-NMR, recocido simulado, máquinas de soporte vectorial, aceite de oliva, aceite.
Uma das principais desvantagens que surgem na análise e processamento de informação, é que na representação da informação normalmente existe um número elevado de amostras, cada uma com centenas de variáveis, muitas vezes, com informação irrelevante e barulhenta. Tornando-se, então, necessário para reduzir o número de variáveis. Este artigo descreve uma nova técnica para a seleção de variáveis, inspirada em métodos estocásticos e desenhados para trabalhar com máquinas de vetor de suporte (SVM). Os resultados são mostrados usando um conjunto de dados de aplicações alimentares, especialmente, para detectar a adulteração de azeite de oliva (mais caros) com óleo de avelã (mais barato). Para análise de amostras, utilizou-se a técnica de espectroscopia de 1H-RMN (ressonância magnética nuclear protónica). Os resultados demonstraram que é possível reduzir o número de variáveis, sem afetar os resultados da classificação.
Palabras-chave: seleção de parâmetros, H-NMR, recozimento simulado, máquinas de vetores de suporte, azeite de oliva.
Cita: Gualdron OE, Isaza C, Duran CM. Novel feature selection method based on Stochastic Methods Coupled to Support Vector Machines using H- NMR data (data of olive and hazelnut oils). rev.ion. 2014;27(2):17-28.
The use of both static and dynamic features
from the response of H-NMR technology have
resulted in an explosion of the variables that
can be input to the pattern recognition (PARC).
However, the use of a high number of variables at
the input of a PARC system does not necessarily
grant a better performance. In fact, using noisy
or irrelevant variables at the input of a PARC
system can jeopardise its training phase and
result in lower performance during the recognition
phase. Therefore, the idea behind variable
selection is to get rid of response features that are
redundant, noisy or irrelevant for the classification/
quantification tasks envisaged, in such a way
that the dimensionality of data can be reduced
without loss of useful information. By doing so, the
PARC system could be trained faster and would
generalise well. Moreover, an optimal configuration
of the information could be devised using relevant
features selected by the variable selection
algorithm. Different strategies have been reported
for the reduction of dimensionality but very little
has been reported on variable selection for H-NMR
information [1-3]. These, basically, consist of either
choosing directly among the variables available [4-6] or to compute new variables called factors (e.g.,
by performing a principal component analysis or a
linear discriminant analysis, etc.) [7-8].
The aim of this work is to introduce a new strategy
for variable selection using stochastic search
method (Simulated Annealing), and coupled
classification techniques such as support vector
machines (SVM), because they are one of the
most promising pattern recognition algorithms for
multisensory instruments due to their well-founded
mathematical base, good generalization ability and
robustness against outliers [9]. This strategy helps
to prevent the use of noisy, irrelevant or redundant
variables and provides more robust, accurate,
and parsimonious classification models. The
usefulness of this implementation is benchmarked
by evaluating its performance in terms of three
objective parameters: the success rate in
classification, the dimensionality of the final set of
variables used for training and the time needed to
complete the variable selection procedure. The
method developed is validated with data taken
from 189 NMR measures of olive oil and hazelnut,
both pure, and mixed.
The adulteration of virgin olive oil has been a serious
problem for regulatory agencies, oil suppliers and
customers for a long time. Due to the similarity
between olive oil and hazelnut oil, this adulteration
is hard to detect. Because of these illegal practices
and the need to analyze the quality of the virgin olive
oil, various analytical methods for the examination of
the volatile compounds of olive oils have emerged.
In this way, a large number of components that
contribute to the aroma of olive oil have been
identified. Distillation methods have traditionally
been applied in the analysis of plant materials.
For example, dynamic headspace techniques
have been used to correlate the composition of
the olive oil headspace to sensory attributes. More
recently, the solid-phase microextraction (SPME)
technique has been introduced as an alternative
to the dynamic headspace technique as a sample
pre-concentration method prior to chromatographic
analysis [10-12]. This allowed the characterization
of virgin olive oils form different varieties and
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is other
instrument used for these studies. Although not
as sensitive as other techniques such as Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), it
offers a fast and holistic glimpse into the samples
being analyzed. Moreover, sample preparation is
simple and does not destroy the sample, which can
then be reused for other measurement techniques.
A typical NMR spectrum is comprised by a set of
resonances corresponding to different chemical
compounds. The problem comes when the
sample matrix is complex since there is no straight
correspondence between peaks and compounds.
In these spectra the same compound can have
more than one peak and a single peak can hide
the overlapping of different compound resonances.
The obtained signal cannot be used directly with bio-informatics
algorithms, with which it is necessary
to carry out a series of basic operations (generally
referred to as the pre-processed signal). These
operations include the adjustment of the level of
baseline, suppression of water response (in RMN),
alignment of peaks, normalization, and selection
of variables to name but a few. Normally, one
encounters a high number of samples, each one
with thousands of variants, and in many cases with
irrelevant information and interference. Therefore,
in order to represent findings in a clearer way, it
is necessary to reduce the amount of variables.
For example, a typical NMR spectrum contains
as many as 65536 ("64k") data points. Most of
these points are equal, highly correlated, or even
meaningless among all the samples measured and
irrelevant to the problem studied.
In this study a database was obtained in
experimental laboratory procedures, which was
provided by the MINOS group at the University
Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona (Spain). The data
corresponds to both pure and mixed olive oils and
hazelnut. Four commercial extra virgin olive oils,
denoting the company and the olive fruit variety
were used in the analysis: Carrefour Arbequina
(ca), Carrefour Hojiblanca (ch), Carrefour Picual
(cp) and Oleaurum Arbequina (oa).
Two types of hazelnut oil were used to prepare
adulterations of 30%, 10%, 5% and 2% of hazelnut
oil in extra virgin olive oils. The first hazelnut
oil was regular hazelnut oil (av) (the type most
commonly used in adulteration) and the second
one was ecologic hazelnut oil (avp). For NMR
analysis, approximately 2mL of each oil sample
was introduced into a standard 5mm disposable
NMR tube. Five preparations were made for each
dilution, giving a total of 190 samples grouped in
38 classes: 4 pure olive oils, 2 pure hazelnut oils
and 32 olive oil-hazelnut oil adulterations.
Each sample has been measured five times except
in one case due to an experimental error. To be
more precise, each sample has been measured
only once by the equipment, but five preparations
have been done in identical conditions of dilution
and with the same method (i.e, five preparations for
each type of oil were measured individually using
the equipment). This number of repetitions was
sufficient to be used in the processing stage using
pattern recognition techniques (SVM), where n
samples per class were used for the training stage
and the rest for the validation stage of classifier
model. Therefore, the error of repetition will be
due to the combination of the repetition of the
instrument (reliable) and that of the person who
has prepared the results.
For each sample, H NMR spectra was recorded
at 310K on a Bruker Avance III 600 spectrometer
operating at a proton frequency of 600.20 MHz
using a 5mm CPTCI triple resonance (1H, 13C, 31P)
gradient cryoprobe. One-dimensional 1H pulse
experiments were carried out using the nuclear
Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY)-
presaturation sequence (RD-90°-τ1-90°-τm-90°
ACQ) to suppress the residual water peak. τ1
time was set to 4μs and τm (mixing time) was
100ms. The 90° pulse length was calibrated for
each sample and varied from 10.89 to 11.36μs.
The spectral width was 30ppm, and a total of 64
transients were collected into 64k data points for
each 1H spectrum.
Figure 1 shows a typical 1H-NMR spectrum
obtained with these samples of oils. It can be
clearly seen the high number of overlapping
peaks and the difficulty of processing these data in
certain regions. Therefore, it is necessary to find
strategies to reduce the dimensionality of the data
set using variable selection techniques, without
losing important information and assistance in
data processing. In other words, one of the main
priorities should be to reduce the dimensionality
of each spectrum, trying to eliminate the noisy
regions of the spectra (the parts not related to
the problem being studied), while preserving the
meaningful information, maximizing its numerical
This measures represent the intensity value of the spectrum (relative frequency, it ranges between -2.2 and 11.5, including 0). Equally, a pre-process stage was done with the oils in the following manner: The measures have been aligned according to the peak of TSP that are exactly 0ppms. They are then aligned according to the area of their peak of TSP.
Variable selection process
To begin with, a normalization process is carried
out with all of the data taken from the olive oil
and hazelnut. Initially eliminated non-relevant
information (elimination of extremes), where most
irrelevant data provide information near zero,
corresponding to values before and after of the
process of acquiring the NMR spectrum. These
regions don't were selected for variable selection
process (Figure 1).
The variable selection process implemented
consists of three steps that are run consecutively,
the first step allowed us to reduce the number
of variables by using signal-treating techniques,
especially wavelet transform. The second step
helped to detect and remove non-informative,
noise variables and was conducted in a supervised
way. Finally, in the last step a greedy search
method was applied to the reduced variable set
(simulated annealing), which results from applying
the first two steps. With this strategy, we assured
a considerable reduction in variables with a low
computational cost, principally in the first two steps.
Compression and reduction variables
After carrying out the process of elimination of
extremes, and due to the great dimensionality of
the data obtained through HNMR analysis (more
than 20,000 variables), it was necessary to reduce
the number of variables even more, and in this
way, reduce the computational time of the process.
For that a strategy based on new techniques of
compression, like the wavelet transform, was
proposed. The wavelet transform can be used
for many reasons: compression [13-14], multi-scale
cluster analysis [15], denoizing [16], etc.
The wavelet transform belongs to a series of
signal analysis techniques commonly called multi-resolution
analysis. This means that it is capable
of varying the resolution of parameters which are
analyzed throughout the analysis (scale, time and
frequency concepts), therefore making correlations
between the original signals with the mother wavelet
and projecting the signal over wavelet. Taking as a
foundation the fact that signals used in this work are
non-stationary, it was carried out the compression
process, using Discrete Transform Wavelet (DTW)
to reduce the size of the variables, and selecting
wavelet coefficients of approximation (they stored
relevant information). It is important to mention that
depending on the signal characteristics, a mother
wavelet is determined, which in our case was a
haar mother wavelet (this because to scale the
behavior of the spectrum the haar wavelet was the
most recommended and showed better results).
Removal of non-informative and noisy features
After a compression process featuring wavelet
transform (approximation coefficients in their sixth
iteration) the results are passed to a second stage
of feature selection. Here, a criterion was used to
rate the discrimination ability of each variable (peak
NMR), to distinguish the group of measurements of
each class or category with respect to the other
(in our case, Oil types). This selection criterion
applies the concept of variance (measure of
dispersion defined as the expectation of the square
of the deviation of the variable with respect to the
measure). Measurements used for training were
grouped in categories (e.g. measurements of the
same type of oil were grouped in a category, etc.).
For each peak, intra-category and inter-category
variances were computed. Intra-category variance
was defined as the variance of an peak considered
within a given category of measurements [17-
18]. Therefore, the intra-category variance of the
j-th variable (peak) was defined as: Equation 1
(Equation that applied the concept of variance).
Where σ2intra,j = sum of the variance between measurements of each categories. n is the number of measurements within the category, vji is the value of peak j for measurement i and μj is the mean of peak j over the measurements within the category. In a similar way, for every peak, a inter-category variance was defined as the variance within the category means. Therefore, the inter-category variance was defined as:
Where σ2 be,j = sum of the variances between categories, μji is the mean of peak j over the measurements within group i, d is the number of different categories and μj is the mean over the μji.
The discrimination ability of the j-th peaks was defined as follows:
The higher the discrimination ability for a given peak is the more important is this peak to correctly discriminate between the categories. In other words, noisy or non-informative will have associated low discrimination abilities. Therefore, a set of peaks, which comprises those that have the higher figure of merit, is selected for further analysis. This method would be equivalent to compute Fisher's linear discriminant if the number of categories to sort measurements within was d = 2. This process is univariate and there is a risk of eliminating those synergetic variables that have low discrimination ability when considered individually. To minimise this problem the process is repeated considering all the possible combinations between two peaks. Figure 2 illustrates this process. As a result, a new list of figures of merit, DAi,j, i.e., the discrimination ability when peaks i and j are used simultaneously, is obtained. This allows for re-selecting variables that had been removed previously, if a synergistic effect is revealed. Figure 2 show a methodical representation of the geometrical interpretation of the process used to compute the figure of merit for any two given features (case of 3 different categories). The intra-category variance is computed as the average of the squared distances between measurements within a category (e.g., mi) and the category centroid (e.g., c1). The between-category variance is computed as the summation of the distances between category centroids and the overall centroid (cc) d2(mi-c1) [17-18].
The detail steps to calculate this figure of merit are the following:
Having carried out this second stage allows a significant reduction in the number of variables and leaves the stage of pre-processing ready to continue to the third and final stage, which is based on a stochastic search strategy (simulated annealing) adjusted to efficient classification techniques, especially SVM. This gives a select group of variables as a result (biomarkers), which add up to good classification percentages when analysing and differentiating between the samples. Below shows the summary of these two methods (SVM and SA).
Support Vector Machines
SVM is a method of calculating the optimal
separating hyperplane in the feature space. Optimal
separating hyperplane is defined as the maximum-margin
hyperplane in the higher dimensional
feature space. The use of the maximum-margin
hyperplane is motivated by statistical learning
theory, which provides a probabilistic test error
bound which is minimized when the margin is
maximized [19].
The parameters of the maximum-margin hyperplane
are derived by solving a quadratic programming
(QP) optimization problem. There exists several
specialized algorithms for quickly solving the QP
problem that arises from SVMs. The original SVM
was a linear classifier. However, Vapnik suggested
using the kernel trick. In the kernel trick, each
dot product used in a linear algorithm is replaced
with a non-linear kernel function. This causes the
linear algorithm to operate in a different space. For
SVMs, using the kernel trick makes the maximum
margin hyperplane be fit in a feature space. The
feature space is a non-linear map from the original
input space, usually of much higher dimensionality
than the original input space. More information
about this PARC method can be found elsewhere.
Stochastic Methods (Simulated Annealing)
Simulated annealing (SA) is a stochastic technique
derived from statistical thermodynamics for finding
near globally optimum solutions to complex
optimization problems (i.e., with a high number of
degrees of freedom) [20]. The algorithm proceeds
stepwise through a search space defined by all
possible solutions to the optimization problem.
After each iteration (e.g. after a variable has been
removed), the value of the cost function for the
new step is compared to that of the previous step.
If the new solution is better than the old one, the
removal of the variable is confirmed. If the new
solution is worse than the old one, there is still a
probability, p, for the removal of the variable to be
accepted. This offers the algorithm the possibility
to jump out of a local optimum [21-22]. Otherwise,
the removal of the variable will be discarded and
the previous step will be the starting point for the
next attempt to eliminate a variable. The probability
p for accepting a worse solution depends on the
difference between the new and previous solution
as follows:
Where ΔE = fitness (new) - fitness (old) and Ti is the annealing temperature (its initial value is set by the user). Since the cost function (or fitness) being optimized by the SA is the prediction error of either a SVM based classifier, ΔE is positive when the new solution is worse than the old one. Figure 3 shows p as a function of the annealing temperature, Ti, for positive values of ΔE. This figure shows that, as the annealing temperature is reduced, the probability for accepting a worse solution decreases significantly.
Figure 4 shows a flow diagram of the SA algorithm
implemented. The initial temperature (value 0.1),
and the whole process of variable selection is
repeated a fixed number of times for monotonically
decreasing annealing temperatures are defined
by the user. After every change in the annealing
temperature, the algorithm starts selecting
variables from the complete set of variables. The
values of R and the variable to be eliminated in
each iteration were randomly selected using a
random function within the program.
The cost function is used to rank the fitness of
solutions (i.e., combinations of features) during
the process of stochastic feature selection. Since
in most metabolomic applications a high number
of variables are highly collinear or non-informative,
about 70% of the original variables are eliminated
by the first three steps. Therefore, the last step
is aimed at fine tuning the selection process.
Although stochastic feature selection methods are
time-consuming, run to select among a reduced
set of features that result from the three previous
steps is fast.
Initially, analysis of samples of extra virgin olive oils
was achieved, a four-category classification was
attempted, which corresponded to the identification
of the four olive oils types, each category was
represented by five measurements (except in a
case of experimentation error), thus obtaining a
database of 19x65536, a spectrum resulting from
H-NMR analysis.
Four different training and validation sets were
formed as follows: 1 replicate measurement per
type of oil integrated to the validation set (e.g. the
first replicate measurement was used in the first
validation set, the second replicate measurement
was used in the second validation fold, and so on).
The remaining 3 replicate measurements per type
of oil integrated to the training set. In this way 4
validation sets (4 measurements in each set), and
4 corresponding training sets (15 measurements
in each set) were obtained. Then the process of
variable selection was performed 4 times on each
feature selection dataset.
The process of feature selection was conducted
as follows. The first step of feature selection was
applied to eliminate non relevant information
(information close to zero), thus eliminating 30528
variables, 15264 from the top and bottom of all
the classes. The second step was then applied
to compress and reduce the size of the dataset.
Taking as a foundation the fact that signals used
in this work are non-stationary, we carried out the
compression process, using Discrete Transform
Wavelet (DTW) to reduce the size of the variables,
and selecting wavelet coefficients of approximation
(they stored relevant information). This process
was repeated six times, giving as result a reduction
in grouped variables in sized blocks, ordered
2^N, where N is the number of iterations. That
is to say the information was grouped into 547
blocks, a process done with all the classes. It is
important to mention that depending on the signal
characteristics, a mother wavelet is determined,
which in our case was a haar mother wavelet (this
because to scale the behavior of the spectrum the
haar wavelet was the most recommended and
showed better results).
The third step of feature selection was applied to
eliminate noisy and irrelevant features. By setting
to 0.5 the threshold value of the discrimination
ability (both univariate and multivariate methods),
134 features were initially selected. Computing the
first three steps required about 5 minutes in an intel
core i5 PC platform. Finally a simulated annealing
feature selection was run to select among the
remaining features. The SA algorithms were run for
3 different annealing temperatures and the number
of iterations per temperature was set to 130. More
details on the simulated annealing algorithm used
can be found in the section 3.4. At the end, only
between 10 and 38 features (beans) were selected
for each class (no matter what feature selection
dataset was used).
Due to the fact that in the second stage the
original variables were grouped in blocks after
having compressed the information using wavelet
transform, it is necessary to recover the above
variables, which is done by multiplying each of the
blocks selected in the SA-SVM phase by the factor
2^N. Then the extracted variables on the bottom
side of the original normalised matrix are added
up. In this way the regions of the selected variables
are present in the process.
Using these features as inputs, 4 SVM classifiers
were trained employing the 4 feature selection
datasets, and their performance in classification
estimated using the corresponding validation
datasets. A one-against-all strategy was used to
build the SVM classifier. Therefore, 4 SVM were
built. The first SVM was trained with the training
samples in class 1 with positive labels and all other
training samples with negative labels, and so on.
A fold validation strategy was used to estimate the
performance in extra virgin olive oils identification
using SVM models. Different kernel functions were
tested such as linear, polynomial (2nd degree)
and radial basis. The best results were obtained
when a 2nd degree polynomial was used as kernel
function. The best results were obtained when C
(cost parameter) was chosen to be higher than or
equal to 217. Such a high value for this parameter
implies that almost every training sample had to
be correctly classified at the end of the training
Figure 5 shows a block diagram of the feature
selection and validation processes. It is important
to keep in mind that for every SVM classifier, the
validation implies using measurements that have
not participated in the feature selection process
and are, therefore, new. The success rate of a
particular SVM model is obtained by averaging
identification rates over the 4 folds. When the
variable selection procedure was employed, the
overall success rate in identification was 81.25%
for (ca) oil, 81.25% for (ch), 100% (cp) and 100%
(oa).Table 1 summarizes the classification results.
Finally, another test was done in which the aim
was not to differentiate between the oils as in the
previous case but to analyse a specific oil (cp), with
different grades of adulteration to hazelnut oil. (The
adulterations were 2% (02), 5% (05), 10% (10)
and 30% (30) with the hazelnut oils avp and av).
The objective was to differentiate each of the said
classes from the rest, and equally to determine that
selective variables allow them to be differentiated.
The variable selection process implemented was
the same as that mentioned earlier. The results are
shown in Table 2.
Table 1 shows the results of classification of the
four types of pure olive oil, after the selection
process of variables proposed in this work and
it can be concluded that, in a small number of
variables the percentages for the classification of
each of the types of oil with respect to the other
three are validated for each test with four different
blocks using the model SVM classifier (for example
in the case of the variety of olive oil type (cp),
with a number of 256 selected variables from the
initial 65536 was reached to 100 per cent in the
classification (differentiation between the class
with the other three). Similarly, it is possible to
reduce a number of variables to 640, 384, 1024 for
classes ca, ch, oa, respectively coming in all the
cases to 100% in the classification.
A new method of variable selection inspired in
stochastic selection has been introduced. The
method is specifically designed to work with SVM
classification. The usefulness of the method has
been assessed using NMR database of olive and
hazelnut oils. SVM classification models were built
either using a small set of selected variables. The
variable selection procedure led to a dramatic
reduction in the number of input features used
by the SVM models (between 90-95% were
eliminated), obtaining significant classification
percentages from the oils and their adulterations.
These performances were estimated using a
careful fold-validation method.
It is important to emphasise that although the
results obtained are promising, the reality is that
the variation of the spectrums (information given
by descriptors) of each samples is not hugely
significant to perform the respective adulterations.
In reference to the above we conclude that the
potential of SVMs as classifiers can to a certain
extent be interesting when trying to differentiate
between specific classes, as with the data studied,
given that despite its similarities, it was able to
classify a high percentage with little selected
variables (even with variables with little intensity).
It can generally be said that the implemented
methods are interesting and reliable for a given
selection process, ensuring accuracy in the
determination of efficient variables due to their
stochastic searching. In addition, it is a good
classification process with efficient variables
because through support machines it guarantees
minimal structural risk, quicker than other known
The authors thank the MINOS Group of University Rovira I Virgili for allowing access to the database. Also, thanks to the Department of Electronic Engineering at Universidad de Pamplona and to "Estrategia de sostenibilidad 2014-2015 Universidad de Antioquia". COLCIENCIAS National Grant No 11214522117 funded this project.
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