Antifungal, cytotoxic and chemical
analyses of essential oils of Lippia
origanoides H.B.K grown in Colombia
Liliana Betancur-Galvis1, Bibiana Zapata1, Armando Baena2, Juan Bueno3,
Carlos Alberto Ruíz-Nova2, Elena Stashenko4, Ana Cecilia Mesa-Arango1
1. Grupo de Investigación Dermatológica (GRID), Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Antioquia
2. Grupo Infección y Cáncer, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Antioquia.
3. Grupo de Micobacterias, Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
4. Centro de Investigación en Biomoléculas, CIBIMOL. Universidad Industrial de Santander
Correspondencia: Liliana Betancur-Galvis. Spc, MsC, PhD. Chemist. Group of Investigative Dermatology (GRID), School of Medicine, University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
Cra. 51D # 62 -29 Lab 283. Phone: (+574) 2196064. A.A. 1226. Medellín, Antioquia, E-mail:
Recibido: 14 de febrero 2011- Aceptado: 10 de agosto de 2011
Introduction: Aspergillus fumigatus is most commonly associated to invasive aspergillosis. Strong antifungal activity against A. fumigatus of L. origanoides essential oil gives a new added value to this natural product from Boyacá-Colombia. Aims: The increase in fungal infections, the development of resistance and toxicity of wide-spectrum antifungals have led to a constant search for therapeutic alternatives. The chemical composition, antifungal and cytotoxic activity of nine essential oils obtained from L. origanoides were evaluated and the relationship between the antifungal activities of the oil and of its major components were explored. Methods and Results: Antifungal activity was determined following the protocols AFST-EUCAST for Candida krusei and C. parapsilosis, and CLSI-M38A for Aspergillus fumigatus and A. flavus. The GC-MS analysis identified three chemotypes: thymol, carvacrol and p-cymene/trans-beta-caryophyllene. The essential oil of the thymol chemotype was the most active in antifungal assays with MIC values of 157.5, 198.4, 125 and 31 μg ml-1 against C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, A. flavus and A. fumigatus, respectively. The major components carvacrol and thymol were not active against A. fumigatus at concentrations below 157.5 μg ml-1. In general, the oils were not cytotoxic. Conclusions: The essential oil of the thymol chemotype of L. origanoides from the region of Boyacá- Colombia showed the highest antifungal activity against A. fumigatus among all the oils and major components tested. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2): 141-148
Keywords: Lippia origanoides, essential oil, antifungal activity, cytotoxicity, monoterpenes
Actividad antifúngica, citotóxica y composición
química de aceites esenciales de Lippia
origanoides H.B.K recolectadas en Colombia
Introducción: La infección por el hongo Aspergillus fumigatus está más comúnmente asociada a la aspergilosis invasiva. La fuerte actividad antimicótica del aceite esencial de L. origanoides contra A. fumigatus ha dado un nuevo valor agregado a este producto natural de Boyacá-Colombia. Objetivo: El aumento de las infecciones por hongos, el desarrollo de la resistencia y la toxicidad de los antifúngicos de amplio espectro han llevado a una constante búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas. En este estudio fueron evaluados la composición química, la actividad antifúngica y citotóxica de nueve aceites esenciales obtenidos de L. origanoides; y la relación entre la actividad antifúngica de los aceites con respecto a la presencia de sus principales componentes. Métodos y Resultados: La actividad antifúngica se determinó siguiendo los protocolos AFST-EUCAST para Candida krusei y C. parapsilosis; y CLSI M38A para Aspergillus fumigatus y A. flavus. El análisis por GC-MS identificó tres quimiotipos: carvacrol timol y p-cymene/trans-beta-caryophyllene. El aceite esencial del quimiotipo timol fue el más activo en los ensayos antifúngicos con valores de MIC de 157,5, 198,4, 125 y 31 mg ml-1 frente a C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, A. flavus y A. fumigatus, respectivamente. El carvacrol y el timol, los principales componentes, no fueron activos frente a A. fumigatus en concentraciones inferiores a 157,5 g / ml-1. En general, los aceites no fueron citotóxicos. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de L origanoides, quimiotipo timol, de la región de Boyacá-Colombia presentó la mayor actividad antifúngica frente a A. fumigatus entre todos los aceites evaluados; igualmente, sus principales componentes fueron los más activos en comparación a los otros quimiotipos. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2): 141-148
Palabras Clave: Lippia origanoides, aceite esencial, actividad antifúngica, citotoxicidad, monoterpenos
The AIDS epidemic, chemotherapy in cancer patients,
neutropenia and immunosuppressant therapies in
recipients with transplants have increased the number
of cases of mycotic infections1,2. Species of the genera
Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, Histoplasma,
Rhizopus, Mucor, Acremonium, and Fusarium are the
most frequent causes of these infections1. Although C. albicans is the most frequent species, the prevalence of
other non-albicans species has been increasing recently3.
Aspergillus infections have also grown in importance in
the last years4,1. A. fumigatus and A. flavus are the most
widespread causes of invasive aspergillosis4.
The development of resistance of some species to the
antifungal drugs available and the toxicity of widespectrum
antifungals, such as amphotericin B, have
led to a constant search for therapeutic alternatives2.
Many aromatic plants are frequently used in traditional
medicine as antimicrobial agents, and the essential
oils recovered from some of them have demonstrated
antibacterial and antifungal effects5,6. In addition,
some oils have shown activity against fluconazole and
itraconazole resistant Candida spp.5
Lippia origanoides H.B.K. (Verbenaceae) is a shrub up
to 3 m tall that grows wild in Central America (Mexico,
Guatemala, Cuba) and northern South America
(Guiana, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia)7,8. In Colombia,
it is found at altitudes between 500 and 800 m in several
Andean states and in the northern peninsula of Guajira.
Its green oval leaves are employed as a condiment
(due to their thymol and carvacrol content) and as a
traditional medicine (flower and leaf infusions)9,8. In
Mexico, L. origanoides is called "oregano", and the
Mexican Pharmacopoeia recognizes it as a substitute
for common oregano L. graveolens Kunth8. Essential
oils with high thymol content have showed MIC values
of 3.3 mg ml-1 against C. albicans10. Oliveira et al.8
studied the antifungal activity of the essential oil of L. origanoides which presented high carvacrol content
and showed active against human pathogenic fungi of
genera Candida.
The composition and biological activity of essential oils
from L. origanoides H.B.K. grown in Colombia have
not been studied. In the present work, the chemical
composition, antifungal and cytotoxic activity of nine
essential oils obtained from L. origanoides, collected
from four Colombian regions were evaluated and the
relationship between the antifungal activities of the oil
and of its major components were explored.
Plant material and essential oil extraction
Nine samples (1 kg each) of L. origanoides stems and
leaves were collected from four regions in Colombia, as
part of a survey conducted by CENIVAM, a Research
Center devoted to the study of aromatic plants and
essential oils in Colombia. The taxonomic identification
of the botanical samples was performed by Dr. José Luís
Fernández at "Herbario Nacional de Colombia (COL)",
Institute of Natural Sciences, School of Sciences,
"Universidad Nacional de Colombia" (Bogotá), where
exsiccate of each plant remain as permanent samples. The
essential oils were extracted from dried L. origanoides
stems and leaves (300 g) by microwave-assisted
hydrodistillation as described previously11. Anhydrous
sodium sulfate (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was
added as a drying agent to the decanted essential oil. The
voucher numbers, the region of plant collection, date of
collection and the codes assigned to the essential oils
obtained are presented in (Table 1).
Analysis of essential oils -Compound identification was
based on mass spectra (EI, 70 eV), obtained with a gas
chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 6890 Plus, Palo
Alto, CA, USA), equipped with a mass selective detector
(Agilent Technologies 5973), a split/splitless injector
(split ratio 1:50), and a data system (HP ChemStation
1.05) with WILEY 138K, NIST 2002 and QUADLIB
2004 mass spectra libraries, as described previously12.
Individual components were identified by comparing their
retention indices11 determined using a linear scale on the
DB-5MS (60m x 0.25mm x 0.25μL, J and W Scientific,
Folsom, CA, USA) column, and the mass spectra of each
GC component to those of standard substances (Sigma-
Aldrich, USA; Table 2). The hydrodistillation process
ensured endotoxin-free material, since such a technique
is unable to remove high-molecular mass molecules
such as endotoxins (10 kDa) from plant material, and the
molecular weight of essential oil components does not
surpass 0.3 kDa. Stock solutions of oils were prepared in
DMSO and frozen at -70°C until required.
Monoterpenes and drug
Thymol, carvacrol, p-cymene, trans-beta-caryophyllene,
gamma-terpinene and beta-myrcene and other standard
substances for the analysis of essential oils were from
Sigma (Chemical Company St Louis, MO, USA). Stock
solutions of both oils and monoterpenes were prepared
in DMSO for cytotoxicity and antifungal assays.
Amphotericine B and itraconazole were from Sigma.
Antifungal activity assay
The antifungal activity of the oils and monoterpenes
was evaluated following the Clinical and Laboratory
Standards Institute M38-A protocol13 for filamentous
fungi, and the standard method proposed by the
Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Subcommittee of
the European Committee on Antibiotic Susceptibility
Testing (EUCAST)14 for fermentative yeasts, as
described previously12. Candida parapsilosis (ATCC
22019), C. krusei (ATCC 6258), Aspergillus flavus
(ATCC 204304) and A. fumigatus (ATCC 204305)
served to evaluate antifungal activity. For the EUCAST
method, MIC were determined after 24 hours of
incubation, and defined as the lowest concentration that
resulted in a 90% reduction of growth. For the CLSI
M38-A method, the MICs were determined after 48
hours of incubation, and defined as the lowest dilution
of essential oils that resulted in total inhibition of
visible growth. Susceptibility testing was performed
in duplicate in three different assays. Essential oils
and monoterpenes were considered active when they
presented MIC values below 500 μg ml-1.
Cytotoxicity assay
Cercopithecus aethiops African green monkey kidney
cells (Vero cell line ATCC CCL-81) were used. The
cytotoxicity of the essential oils and their major
components were examined in vitro with an MTT
(dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium
bromide) (Sigma, New Jersey, USA) assay as
described in Mesa-Arango et al.12. The concentration of
compounds that induces 50% growth inhibition in 48h
was expressed as IC50. Vincristine was used as positive
control (Sigma-Aldrich, Co, MO, USA).
Data analysis - The IC50 values for each compound
were obtained by lineal regression analysis of the dose
response curves generated from the absorbance data
with the statistical package R (Development Core Team,
Vienna, Austria, 2008). IC50 values are expressed as
the Mean ± S.E.M. of at least four dilutions performed
in quadruplicates in two different assays. MIC values
are expressed as geometric means (GM-MIC) of tests
performed in duplicate in three different assays against
each of the fungal species.
To test the association of oil activity with chemical
composition of the major components, the Cox model
with the determination of the hazard ratio was applied;
a 95% confidence interval was adopted. Statistical
analyses were conducted using the statistical package R
(Development Core Team, Vienna, Austria, 2008).
The present work evaluated the chemical composition of
nine essential oils obtained from L. origanoides plants,
collected from four Colombian regions (Table 1). The
various components were identified by comparing
their retention indices (RI)11, and the mass spectrum of
each GC component to those of standard substances.
Table 2 lists the major components (>1%) found
during the chromatographic analysis of essential oils.
Kovāts retention indices (Ik), used as complementary
identification criteria, were obtained at polar (DBWAX)
and non-polar (DB-5) stationary phases. The
chromatographic analysis of the essential oils evaluated
here detected ca. 50 compounds (data not shown). GC/
MS analyses permitted to positively identify 40 oil
constituents. The GC/MS analyses showed that the major
constituents of the oils were monoterpene hydrocarbons
and phenolic monoterpenes, but their concentration in
the oils varied greatly. Quantitative oil differences were
clear for seven compounds: trans-beta-caryophyllene,
alpha-humulene, the two isomeric phenols, carvacrol
and thymol, and their precursor gamma-terpinene and
p-cymene, and beta-myrcene. GC/MS analysis of the
oils revealed the presence of three chemotypes: thymol,
carvacrol and p-cymene/trans-beta-caryophyllene
(Tables 1 and
2). Among the thymol-chemotype oils, the
6F oil obtained from plants collected in the Department
of Boyacá showed the highest thymol concentration.
The major components found in 6F oil were thymol
(59.7%), followed by carvacrol (12.2%), p-cymene
(8.8%), and gamma-terpinene (4.5%). In the carvacrolchemotype
oils, the 5E oil obtained from plants
collected in the Department of Santander showed the
highest carvacrol concentration. The major components
found in 5E oil were carvacrol (46.2%), p-cymene
(12.0%), thymol (9.5%), and gamma-terpinene (9.5%).
The 9I oil showed carvacrol and thymol contents of
38.8% and 15.1%, respectively. In the p-cimene/trans-beta-
caryophyllene chemotype oils, p-cymene was the
main constituent (~13.5%), followed by trans-betacaryophyllene
(~10.4%), alpha-phellandrene (~9.3%),
1,8-cineol (~6.6%) and alpha-humulene (~5.9 %).
The results of the oils and the cytotoxic and antifungal
activities of some of their major components are
presented in (Table 3). According to the significance
threshold determined by the National Cancer Institute
(USA) for crude extracts (inhibitory concentration 50
IC50 <30 μg ml-1)5, the oils and monoterpenes evaluated
were not cytotoxic on the Vero non-tumoural cell line. A
dose-dependent inhibition on the growth of Vero cells,
with R2 determination coefficients of linear regression
greater than 7.5, was observed for monoterpenes and oils
(Table 3). The results of the antifungal activity assays
of L. origanoides oils against Candida and Aspergillus
species are presented in (Table 3). The MIC values for
the reference antifungal drugs, amphotericine B and
itraconazole used as positive controls were within the
values established using the AFST-EUCAST and CLSIM38-
A protocols (Table 3).
As can be observed in (Table 3), only the 4D oil did not
show activity for the fungi_evaluated. The 3C oil showed
the highest antifungal activity against C. parapsilosis,
C. krusei and A. flavus but not against A. fumigatus
with MG-MIC values of 157, 198, 125, 63 μg ml-1,
respectively. The 7G oil showed the highest antifungal
activity against A. fumigatus, with MG-MIC value of 31
μg ml-1. In general, A. fumigatus was more sensitive to
essential oils than A. flavus and Candida species. The
monoterpenoids, trans-beta-caryophyllene, gammaterpinene,
and beta-myrcene did not show activity at
concentrations of 500 μg ml-1 for the fungi evaluated.
Among the six compounds tested, carvacrol and thymol
were the most active against the fungi evaluated.
To examine the correlation between oil activity and
the major components in situ, percentage composition
of the major components of the oils were screened
with oil antifungal activity in a Cox model. (Table 4)
shows the results of these analyses that were adjusted
for each fungus. Thymol and carvacrol were the major
components that were associated with oil antifungal
activity for Candida species. For A. fumigatus and A. flavus, thymol/beta-myrcene and thymol/carvacrol/pcymene
were the monoterpenoids associated with oil
antifungal activity, respectively.
Lippia origanoides H.B.K. Fam. (Verbenaceae)
is a slender, very aromatic shrub7. Oliveira et al.8
reported the composition of L. origanoides essential
oil from Oriximiná - Brazil, in which carvacrol was
the main constituent (38%), followed by thymol
(18%) and p-cymene (10%). Rojas et al.15 compared
the compositions of L. origanoides oils from leaves
collected during the rainy and dry seasons in Venezuela;
thymol (61.9 and 44.7%) and carvacrol (7.9 and 16.8%)
were the main components in these oils, respectively.
Oliveira et al.8 suggests the existence of two different
chemotypes for this species thymol and carvacrol.
In the present study, the chemical composition of nine
essential oils obtained of L. origanoides collected
from four Colombian regions were evaluated. The
GC/MS analysis of the oils revealed the presence of
three chemotypes: thymol, carvacrol, and p-cymene/
trans-beta-caryophyllene. The p-cymene/trans-betacaryophyllene
chemotype was reported previously16,
and it was observed that the composition of the oil was
not caused by microclimate or geobotanical differences.
The findings suggest that there are different chemotypes
for this species, in a way similar to what happens with
Lippia alba5. In spite of the existence of several L. origanoides chemotypes in Colombia, there had been
no evaluation of the antifungal and cytotoxic activity of
their essential oils.
With respect to antifungal activity there is no agreement
on the acceptance level of activity for plant material
when compared to standard drugs12. Duarte et al.17
indicated a strong activity of L. alba essential oils
against C. albicans with a MIC value of 60 μg ml-1,
when nistatin was used as positive control (MIC of 50
μg ml-1). According to these criteria the 7G oil was
very active against A. fumigatus with a MIC value of 31
μg ml-1. The 3C oil showed a strong antifungal activity
against the four fungi evaluated. Both oils were thymol
chemotypes. In contrast the oils 2B and 4D, p-cymene-/
trans-beta-caryophyllene chemotype, showed moderate
and weak activity, respectively.
Studies of antifungal activity of essential oils with
high thymol and carvacrol have been carried out on
Candida species. Botelho et al.18 evaluated the essential
oil activity from L. sidoides of the thymol (56.7%)/
carvacrol (16.7%) chemotype against C. albicans. The
resulting value of the MIC was about a thousand times
higher than the ketoconazole value. Oliveira et al.8
showed the activity of the thymol (18.5%)/carvacrol
(38.6%) chemotype of L. origanoides essential oil
against Candida species. In contrast, in the present
study A. fumigatus was more sensitive to essential
oils of L. origanoides than Candida species. The most
active oil with content of thymol (54.5%) and carvacrol
(1.7%) showed a MIC value against A. fumigatus
about ten times higher than the Amphotericin B value.
Interestingly, the 6F oil obtained by extraction for 15
min and with the highest thymol concentration was
less active than 7G oil obtained of the same plant by
extraction for 30 min. This finding shows the importance
of the percentage composition of components of oils.
To determine the contribution of each major component
to L. origanoides oil activity, the antifungal activity of the
thymol, carvacrol, p-cymene, trans-beta-caryophyllene,
gamma-terpinene and beta-myrcene were evaluated.
The lack of activity of p-cymene and gamma-terpinene
is in agreement with previous studies19. However,
Tampieri et al.20 reported that monoterpenes as gammaterpinene,
p-cymene and carvacrol displayed good
antifungal activity at 100 μg ml-1 against C. albicans.
In our study, only thymol and carvacrol were active
against the fungi evaluated, however, their MIC values
were higher than those found for the 3C and 7G oils.
It is difficult to attribute the activity of a complex
mixture as it is an essential oil to some particular
constituent. Therefore, to confirm the correlation of oil
activity with the percentage_of their major components
in situ, in a Cox model, percentage composition of the
major components of the oil were screened to evaluate
a possible relationship with oil antifungal activity.
Thymol and carvacrol were the major components
that were more closely associated with oil antifungal
activity for Candida species. However, for species
of Aspergillus fumigatus these analyses suggest that
there is a concentration-dependent effect among the
monoterpenes thymol, carvacrol, and p-cymene.
A. fumigatus is the most prevalent species in the
genus and it is most commonly associated to invasive
aspergillosis21. In our study, essential oils from
Boyacá-Colombia L. origanoides have shown a
marked antifungal activity against A. fumigatus and
their activity could give a new added value to these
natural products. Essential oil from Boyacá-Colombia
L. origanoides is promising candidate to evaluate their
gaseous contact activity against filamentous fungi
and could be employed to sterilize hospital rooms of
immunosuppressant patients.
Financial support from COLCIENCIAS, Bogotá, Colombia (Grant RC 432-2004 and 245-2011) is gratefully acknowledged.
Ethical compliance is not applicable to this study.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. Liliana Amparo Betancur Galvis certify that: The manuscript represents valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content has been published under my responsibility or is being considered for publication elsewhere. There are no financial interests in relation to this manuscript. All material and financial support for this work is clearly expressed in the manuscript.
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