About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal publishes original articles on scientific research, technological development as an original and unpublished contributions to the understanding of the disciplines of Telematics and Electronics Engineering, Software Engineering and Frameworks, Project Quality Management processes and generally contribute to the development engineering in Colombia and the world. 


Open Access Policy

Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente investigación al publico apoya a un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global.



 PUBLINDEX, Índice Nacional de Publicaciones Seriadas Científicas y Tecnológicas Colombianas de COLCIENCIAS en Categoría B

EBSCO FUENTE ACADÉMICA PREMIER, Base Bibliográfica Fuente Académica

LATINDEX , El Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal.

Dialnet, Índice español de Revistas multidiciplinares.

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals






The Informatics Technology Management Journal –GTI- is committed to high standards of ethics, therefore, takes possible steps to avoid fraud and plagiarism. All authors must submit original, unpublished manuscripts and his authorship declaring these characteristics when submitting their work for the consideration of editorial committee.


Likewise the Journal GTI is committed to ensuring a fair and objective review of manuscripts, for those manuscripts, it uses the system blind par evaluation. The editor and all editorial staff must not disclose any information about any manuscript that has been sent to the journal for review. The only ones that will be able to exchange information with the author are, reviewers, editorial advisers and members of the editorial committee and the scientific committee and provided when necessary.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

The unpublished material submitted by the author through his manuscript to the Journal GTI, should not be used at investigations of the editor without the express consent of the author.


The editor responsibilities

The editor must act in a balanced, objective and fair manner without any kind of sexual, religious, political discrimination against the, source, or ethics of the authors, using correct guidelines handed down in the Constitution of Colombia in this regard.

Also, the editor should consider, edit and publish academic contributions only for their academic merit regardless of any commercial influence or conflict of interest.

The editor of the Informatics Technology Management Journal –GTI- is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published. The editor should be guided by the policies of the editorial committee and scientific committee of the journal and should bear in mind the various current legal issues in relation to defamation, copyright or plagiarism.

Similarly, the editor must accept and follow proper procedures to resolve any complaints or misunderstanding ethical or conflict of interest procedures. The editor and the editorial committee, will act in accordance with the regulations, policies and procedures established by the Universidad Industrial de Santander. In any event will given authors opportunity to respond to conflicts of interest. Any complaint must be supported with documentation and media to check inappropriate behavior.

Responsibility of the reviewers

Reviewers should contribute to the process of objective evaluation of manuscripts submitted for consideration in the Informatics Technology Management Journal –GTI-, collaborating in a timely manner with the improvement in the quality of these original scientific research products.

Maintain the confidentiality of the data supplied by the editor, the editorial committee or  authors, making proper use of such information by the means that are provided. However, is his decision to retain or reject the manuscript in the evaluation process.

Inform the editor and the editorial committee in a timely manner, if the content of an academic contribution presents elements of plagiarism or substantially resembles other products published research or publication process.

Reviewers must know relevant published work that has not been mentioned by the authors. Any declaration of an observation, derivation, or argument that had been previously used, must be specified with the corresponding date. A reviewer should also notify the editor of the Journal GTI if it transpires that could produce any similarity or overlap between the manuscript under review and other papers published previously.

Report any possible conflict of interest with an academic contribution, institutional, financial partnerships or other case between the reviewer and the authors. For such a case, and if necessary, withdraw their services in the evaluation of the manuscript.

Any arbitrator that do not feel qualified to review any article or is aware that it will be impossible to comply with the urgency required to issue its opinion, justify the excuse of the review process by notifying the editor as soon as possible.

The authors responsibilities

Authors should recognize that the article has not been published previously and is not considered for publication elsewhere, besides the article does not infringe any copyright or other proprietary right of any person or entity and does not contain false claims, defamatory, obscene or fraudulent, or any claim that is illegal in any way.

Maintain accurate records, support's data , and analysis related to the manuscript submitted for consideration of the Informatics Technology Management journal –GTI-. When the editor or the editorial committee of the Journal GTI requiring that information (on reasonable grounds) the authors should provide or facilitate access to it. Upon being required, the original data will fit on a chain of custody to ensure the confidentiality and protection of information by the Journal.

Confirm by  assignment of copyright  and declaration of conflicts of interest act or originality record ( prescribed format for the Journal GTI) who agree with submit your article to the various Journal GTI evaluation committees   and the Article is original, unpublished and is not being considered or has been submitted for evaluation and/or accepted in another publication.

When part of the contents of this contribution has been published or presented in other media, authors must acknowledge and cite the respective sources and credits.

Declare any potential conflict of interest that could unduly influence any time of the publication process.

Carefully review the final version of the article prior to publication in the Journal GTI, reporting errors that may occur and should be corrected. If you find significant errors, once published academic contribution, the authors must promptly notify the editor and the editorial committee, the autors must be cooperate after the event   with the Journal GTI publishing errata, appendix, reporting, correction, or the cases where it is considered necessary to remove the published manuscript number.