Vol. 14 No. 38 (2015): Revista GTI


Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Published 2014-10-28

How to Cite

NIETO LEMUS, A. C. (2014). JEE COMPONENT ARCHITECTURE, A CASE STUDY. Revista GTI, 14(38), 31–41. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistagti/article/view/4867


The software development is focused today on the management of changing requirements. The 
development process should allow not only adapt to change but also to the reduction of effort, time 
and costs, as well as to the promote of the scalability, the reliability and software reuse. That is why 
the development of component-based software emerges as a line of software engineering that builds 
and uses techniques for the implementation of open and distributed systems by assembling reusable 
parts [17]. This article describes the principles of the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) component 
architecture and presents a practical implementation using Enterprise Java Beans (EJB’s), Richfaces, 
Hibernate and Seam in its construction.

KEYWORDS: Software architecture, Software component, Java, EJB, Hibernate, JEE, Richfaces, 
Seam, Stateless, Stateful, biyeccion, Facelets, Jboss


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