Published 2016-11-03
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Studies show the advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technology and communications (ICT), business importance and relevance in the way of doing business (Powell and Micallef, 1997; Plunkett, 2000; Riascos and Aguilera, 2011; Chinomona, 2013). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effective support of ICT (computer equipment and information systems) in the development of administrative processes and to outline, in general terms, the level of effectiveness of TIC in SME 106 different economic sectors of the city of Santiago de Cali. The main outcome of the investigation obtained after a statistical correlation analysis showed that the administrative processes of SMEs are effectively supported by TIC, in particular on: a) the proper use of computer equipment and information systems , b) the timing of the reports generated by these systems, c) the clarity of the information provided and the efficiency of data entry to SI; and d) the level of satisfaction and consistency found between the advancement of the inclusion of local and national TIC.
KEYWORDS: ICT, Effectiveness, SMEs, Santiago de Cali.
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