Vol. 14 No. 40 (2015): Revista GTI
Artículos de Investigación Científica e Innovación


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Published 2016-11-04

How to Cite

GRANADOS ACUÑA, G., VESGA BARRERA, J. A., & VESGA FERREIRA, J. C. (2016). CONVERSION OF THE LTI MODEL CHANNEL PLC TO CONDITIONS OF THE COLOMBIAN ELECTRICAL NETWORK. Revista GTI, 14(40), 31–41. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistagti/article/view/5862


The electrical network is currently considered object of study in order to establish communication processes at high frequency, and for this reason it is important to have a channel model capable of estimating their behavior in a residential context. Although in the literature it is possible to find several classes of PLC channel models, none of the papers presents a model that fully adjust to the conditions of the Colombian electrical network. In view of the foregoing, this article presents an adaptation to the Linear and time invariant (LTI) model proposed by the group PLC of the University of Málaga (Spain), which is considered in Europe as one of the most accepted models, capable of estimating with great approximation the behavior of a channel PLC in residential environments. In addition, for the purposes of model simulation of the proposed canal will be using the tool Generator of Channel PLC (GC_PLC), developed by the same group, which is adapted to the existing electrical parameters in Colombia. At the end of the paper are observed the results obtained under simulation environment for various conditions of channel, which will encourage the development of new research projects, related to the use of PLC technology, since one of the major limitations to this type of study is due to the lack of a tool and a model to simulate a channel PLC.

KEYWORDS: Electrical network, PLC channel model, Linear and time invariant model, Power Line Communications.


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