Business process model complexity. A proposal of quality metrics of conceptual business process model
Published 2017-10-11
- business process modeling,
- complexity,
- metric,
- business process
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Processes are a key factor for the success of the organizations, currently the interest in the business processes by organizations has grown out of the hand of the emergence of several tools for modeling. Analysts, process engineers and software consider the conceptual model of processes such as an input that helps the visibility, understanding of the business and technological implementation, however, there is no consensus that constitutes a model of quality processes. In this Paper, has as purpose to contribute in the study of quality of the conceptual models of processes from the perspective of the complexity, we intend to establish that the complexity of the models affects the understanding of processes, hinders their adaptation and subsequent implementation. There are currently work related to the study of the complexity of the process models, this paper aims to contribute in the development of this dimension of the quality of the models processes, focused on the study of actual cases of process models in BPMN notation. It is proposed some metrics to measure the complexity of the models processes, and as these new measurements affect the understanding of the same.
9.7, 1336-344.
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