An incremental method for visual analysis of software process models
Published 2017-10-11
- Software Process Model Blueprints,
- Software Process,
- Software process models,
- software process verification
- software process analysis ...More
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Specifying process models in SPEM 2.0 is a costly task by the number of details to be defined. Normally this specification evolves in the task of defining the process or an improvement project. In software development can be constructed and evaluated deliverables, in the same way, would expect that with the definition of the process occur the same. However, the practical evaluation stage of a process is much longer, costly and complex than the same stage of definition. This paper proposes the use of AVISPA-Method (Incremental method for visual analysis of software process models), a process visual analysis tool, as a lightweight method for conducting early evaluations of the process model at a much lower cost. To evidence the applicability of the method, a case study has been developed, in which the Small-SPL process model has been evaluated and incrementally debugged following this approach. During its modeling process, AVISPA-Method was used at the end each of
the planned versions during its specification. This contributed to debug the specification of each of the three versions and a notable improvement in the specification of the process.
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