Published 2018-03-09
- Software Product Line,
- Product Line Scoping,
- ISO/IEC 26550,
- ISO/IEC 26551,
- Domain Quality View
- ISO/ IEC 25010 ...More
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The Software Product Line (SPL) is geared toward large-scale reuse of software artifacts and components, productivity, cost reduction and time to market, and to improve quality. It based on two processes, domain engineering and application engineering. Before the diffusion of the series of own ISO standards to SPL, the engineering of the domain was formed by the analysis disciplines, design and implementation of the domain. However, in the ISO/IEC 26550 standard a new reference model is defined in which domain analysis is replaced by the scope of the SPL and domain requirements engineering. On the other hand, the ISO/IEC 26551 standard defines the reference model for the requirements engineering of SPL structured in five processes, the scope of the SPL is one of them and the first one to be considered in the development of SPL. In addition, in one of the scope of the SPL activities, it specified that the quality of the product must be considered. In this sense, this work proposes to incorporate the obtaining of the domain quality model of the SPL, which provides information on the software quality of any product. The quality model of the domain is obtained using the ISO/IEC 25010 standard. The artifacts that are built, relative to product quality, will be part of the product portfolio artifact, result of the scope of the product.
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