Vol. 16 No. 44 (2017): Revista GTI
Artículos de Investigación Científica e Innovación


Universidad de Carabobo UC
Universidad Central de Venezuela UCV
Universidad Central de Venezuela UCV

Published 2018-03-09


  • Goal orientation,
  • Requirements Engineering,
  • Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering,
  • Strategic Planning

How to Cite

DELGADO HERRERA, M., MATTEO LA ROCCA, A., & LOSAVIO DE ORDAZ, F. (2018). ASSESSING GOALS MODELLING TECHNIQUES FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF BUSINESS STRATEGIC PLANNING. Revista GTI, 16(44), 49–63. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistagti/article/view/8076


Goal orientation has made important contributions to Requirements Engineering. Goals refine the overall vision of business, expose the value of a system/software and provide the rationale for its development. However, the benefits obtained from Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering do not guarantee the strategic alignment of software systems nor do they effectively contribute to the value proposition. As a means to improve this situation, it is proposed the use of Strategic Planning for driving Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering, considering that this process defines the business highest level goals and strategies. Given the existence of a diverse group of goal-oriented techniques, the objective of this research is to assess the most widely used techniques in order to determine which one meets, in a higher degree, the requirements of a Strategic Planning-driven Requirements Engineering process. The evaluation was based on the Kitchenham´s Feature Analysis. The specified set of features pursues to examine the ability of the techniques for: (1) modelling the basic concepts of Strategic Planning, and (2) representing of goals at different levels of abstraction and their interrelationships.


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