Call for papers, dossier "Urban history(s) of intermediate cities in Latin
Dear partners.
We are pleased to announce that the Journal Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras (Colombia) calls for the submission of articles for issue 27-2 (2022) " Urban History(s) of Intermediate Cities in Latin America".
Fabio Vladimir Sánchez Calderón, professor Universidad Industrial de Santander
Sebastián Martínez Botero, professor Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Eulalia Hernández Ciro, professor Universidad de Antioquia.
Members of the Colombian Network of Urban History
The following types of articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese will be received:
Research: unpublished articles of original scientific research nature related to the field
of history.
Revision: articles developing complete historiographical balances on a particular topic.
Critical reviews: books published in the last three years.
Documents: file transcripts with their respective explanatory introduction.
Deadline: November 30th, 2021.
For more information visit:
Thanks for your attention,
Ana Milena Rhenals Doria
Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras
Escuela de Historia
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Bucaramanga, Colombia
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