The Vision of the Flag. Awajun Oneiric Memories about the Construction of a Frontier Society in the Peruvian Amazonia
Published 2020-06-20
- Amazonia,
- Peru,
- Border,
- Religion,
- Indigenous
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This article attempts to understand how the pedagogical work carried out by evangelical priests in the middle of the 20th century played an important “civilizing” and “citizen education” role within the Awajun indigenous society which was present on the northeast border of the Peruvian Amazonia. Such work marked, not only the process of expanding state borders, but also and more importantly, a crucial change within the perception of reality which the Awajun themselves began to adopt, a visible aspect in many of their daily expressions (e.g. oneiric language) and also in its new forms of representing of power. In this sense, there is the beginning of a process of assimilation of the professional figure of the “bilingual teacher” to the greater category of “strong man” amongst the Awajun, an aspect that is accompanied by the elaboration of a new visual and imaginative language.
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