Vol. 13 No. 1 (2008): Anuario Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras

El régimen asambleísta en Santander 1857-1885: una experiencia temprana del modelo parlamentario en Colombia

Orlando Pardo Martínez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2008-08-12

How to Cite

Pardo Martínez, O. (2008). El régimen asambleísta en Santander 1857-1885: una experiencia temprana del modelo parlamentario en Colombia. Anuario De Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras, 13(1), 103–118. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/anuariohistoria/article/view/112


The pattern "pro-parliamentarian" established by the Constituent of Santander in 1857, that we could denominate as "assemblyman" it would assure them the regional autonomy, when maintaining subordinate the public administration in all the government levels of the State on the part of government's collegiate organs: Legislative Assembly and City councils.This regional autonomous experience, induces us to meditate so much about its resolved contribution in the creation of the sociocultural identity of Santander like in the construction and consolidation of the right State from the regional thing and, also, it reminds us the validity of the analysis of structural matters in the state configuration, in the first place related with the convenience of a parliamentary model in Colombia and, in second place, with the importance of accentuating the political-juridical process of decentralization. 

Keywords: Parliamentary model, administrative decentralization, political centralization, inverted Federalism.


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