Edward Whymper and the Chimborazo: “the Art of Mountaineering” and Scientific Authority (1880-1892)
Published 2021-05-31
- Science,
- Geography,
- Cartography,
- Edward Whymper,
- Chimborazo
- Mountaineering,
- Authority ...More
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In London, in 1891, E. Whymper (1840-1911), published his book Travels Amongst the Great Andes of Equator, based on his travel to Ecuador eleven years ago. His goal was to study the effects of the decrease of atmospheric pressure on the human body, known as “altitude sickness”. That book was part of a dispute over the meanings of geographical, physiological and alpine truths. The author considered his book a reaction
to Pedro Vicente Maldonado’s (1750) cartographic work, Paul Bert’s (1878) physiological studies and, finally, Alexander Von Humboldt and J. Boussingault’s descriptions of their attempts to ascend the Chimborazo. Whymper’s research suggests an experience that allows for the verification of scientific statements, which play with an element that reinforces them; this element has to do with mountaineering. This articulation between science and mountain climbing creates a possibility of finding the subjective element that enabled Whymper to emphasize and legitimize an authority, wherein the Chimborazo is an unavoidable element in its formation.
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