Vol. 15 No. 1 (2010): Anuario Historia Regional y de las Fronteras

La resistencia afrodescendiente en la Gobernación de Popayán

Francisco U. Zuluaga R.
Universidad del Valle

Published 2010-01-27

How to Cite

Zuluaga R., F. U. (2010). La resistencia afrodescendiente en la Gobernación de Popayán. Anuario De Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras, 15(1), 91–112. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/anuariohistoria/article/view/1397


This article raises the question to find out the role played by their descendants in the process of independence, with its recognized and continued resistance to slavery. To address this question and understand the resistance of African descent, it is necessary: What is that to which you resist?, what is sought with such resistance?

The answers seem obvious: to resist slavery and sought freedom. But in this case, to slavery or aspects of it resists and, in their search, what freedom is drawn? Is it, perhaps you can consider the oppression of the Creole inhabitants of America, under the colonial regime, comparable to the enslavement of African descent? Also, what meanings of the word freedom, is applied to each case?

Keywords: African descendant, Slavery, Runaway, Independence, Resistance


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