Vol. 15 No. 1 (2010): Anuario Historia Regional y de las Fronteras

¡Viva nuestro Rey Fernando! Teatro, poder y fiesta en la ciudad colonial de Cartago, Provincia de Costa Rica (1809). Un Aporte Documental

Guillermo Brenes Tencio

Published 2010-01-27

How to Cite

Brenes Tencio, G. (2010). ¡Viva nuestro Rey Fernando! Teatro, poder y fiesta en la ciudad colonial de Cartago, Provincia de Costa Rica (1809). Un Aporte Documental. Anuario De Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras, 15(1), 281–308. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/anuariohistoria/article/view/1409


This paper transcribes the text of a role play written to be portrays in the Main Square of the colonial city of Cartago, in order to swear and proclame to Ferdinand VII as a king of Spain and the Indies, on Monday January 23 1809, at night. This acts represents to the festivities in honor of the monarch and they were recorded in a record book of the council. While there did not appear anywhere on the shape or effigy of the captive king in France, the main purpose was to remember his name instead of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Keywords: oath of obedience, theatre, power, royal feasts, colonial Cartago, main square, Costa Rica, King Fernando VII, Napoleon Bonaparte, 19 th century.



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