Vol. 14 No. 1 (2009): Anuario Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras

Tierra y crédito en la diócesis de Guatemala a finales de la época colonial

Christophe Belaubre
Universidad Toulouse II le Mirail

Published 2009-01-19

How to Cite

Belaubre, C. (2009). Tierra y crédito en la diócesis de Guatemala a finales de la época colonial. Anuario De Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras, 14(1), 135–158. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/anuariohistoria/article/view/334


Although the relationship between credit and land in the colonial society has always been considered as decisive, it has not always been studied in function of its eventual political consequences. Based on the Guatemala diocese’s example, we focus in the context of economic crisis that marked the Reino at the end of de XVIII century and we try to outline some elements to weigh up the real worth of the mortgage in the Colonial economy: Could the worth of the mortgages has mobilized a part of the creoles elites for constructing an anti-clerical speech?

Keywords: mortgage, Church, colonial system, credits, Guatemala.


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