Vol. 14 No. 1 (2009): Anuario Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras

Conducir cargas e intercambiar mercancías: los caminos de Lebrija y Sogamoso en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX

Clara Inés Carreño Tarazona
Estudiante de maestría, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2009-01-19

How to Cite

Carreño Tarazona, C. I. (2009). Conducir cargas e intercambiar mercancías: los caminos de Lebrija y Sogamoso en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Anuario De Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras, 14(1), 225–244. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/anuariohistoria/article/view/339


The main object of the present article is study the load transportation process and the commercial movement by the Lebrija and Sogamoso’s roads during the second half of the Nineteenth-Century. First, the article describes the merchandises kind that circulating by this mentioned roads. Later, like a comparison the load transportation between load import and load export introduced in the ports near to both roads. Finally, to relate the way as the product of the tolls of Lebrija and Sogamoso’ roads was presenting marked quantitative differences.

Keywords: Merchandise, loads, Lebrija’s road, Sogamoso’s road, Nineteenth-Century, tolls.


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