Vol. 19 No. 2 (2014): Anuario de historia regional y de las fronteras

The Agrarian Reform in Cosamaloapan, Veracruz (México), 1915-1945

Jose Manuel Velasco Toro
Universidad del País Vasco
Lucia Santos García
Universidad Veracruzana

Published 2014-08-21


  • land reform,
  • land ownership,
  • farmers,
  • ranchers and plantation

How to Cite

Velasco Toro, J. M., & Santos García, L. (2014). The Agrarian Reform in Cosamaloapan, Veracruz (México), 1915-1945. Anuario De Historia Regional Y De Las Fronteras, 19(2), 451–477. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/anuariohistoria/article/view/4289


The land reform in Mexico, resulting from the 1910 revolution, played a central role in the economic development of the country during the first half of the twentieth century. The involvement of large properties to create “ejidos” and provide small farmers with land for cultivation, exhibited various facets of social tension and political conflict, making these characteristics very distinctive in each region and Mexican federation entity. Murder of land farmers was the characteristic of some regions while other showed low signs of social tension and minimum violence. This paper explains how Land Reform occurred in the town of Cosamaloapan, Veracruz. In this municipality, the agrarian tension increased from the deterioration in regional economic conditions that, until the twenties, had kept the balance between farmers and agricultural companies. Two moments are distinctive in our study: first, the stage related to the restitution of land to the people of Cosamaloapan between 1915 and 1920, characterized by low social tension; the second moment is the implementation of Land Reform affecting landowners and the “ejidal” endowment to farmers accompanied by conflict between landowners and farmers from 1920 to 1945.


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Fuentes primarias

Archivo General del Estado de Veracruz (AGEV). Expedientes de la Comisión Agraria Mixta (CAM) de: Tres Valles, Laguna Verde, Campo México, El Manantial, San Francisco Oyozontle, Cerro Colorado, Novara, Texas, Chorrera, Plaza Medina, El Mirador, Los Bálsamos, Nopaltepec, Paraíso Novillero y San Cristóbal.
Archivo General de la Nación (AGN). Expediente. Cosamaloapan.

Fuentes secundarias

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