About the Journal


  1. Open Access
  2. Focus and Scope
  3. Funding Source
  4. Policy of charges for the authors
  5. Peer review and evaluation process
  6. Open Access Policy
  7. Privacy Statement
  8. Mission
  9. Visión
  10. Indexing
  11. Declaration of ethics and good editorial practice

Open Access

Revista ION aims to publish the results of scientific and technological research activities in the fields of Chemical Engineering and related fields. This journal is Open Access and the publication of articles has no cost for the authors. All articles since 2017 have an identification number DOI.
It is a publication of biannual periodicity, edited by the School of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and it is admitted by Publindex/Colciencias in category C.

ISSN: 0120-100X

E-ISSN: 2145-8480

Focus and Scope

Revista ION publishes original papers and critical reviews resultant from scientific and technological activities in the fields of Chemical Science and Engineering ,in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages. With particular interest in the areas of: energy conversion and storage, biofuels, bioprocess, chemical processes design, catalysis, electrocatalysis, green technologies, interface science, electrochemical engineering and corrosion, among others.

Funding Source

The Reista ION is financed by the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.

Policy of charges for the authors

All costs of the editorial process, layout and others are assumed by the publisher. Likewise, Revista Ion does not charge any fee for processing or submitting articles (Article Processing Charge - APC)

Peer review and evaluation process

All costs of the editorial process, layout and others are borne by the publisher. Likewise, Revista ION does not charge any fee for the processing or any article by the authors (Article Processing Fee - APC)

All submitted articles go through a process of internal review by the editorial team and later, if it continues in the process, it goes through evaluation by peers who are experts in the article's area of ​​knowledge. The process follows the next stages:

- Initial review to stablish if the article meets the editorial standards and originality. For this process we use Turnitin, which allows to compare the content of articles with other previous publications. In case of finding any anomaly, the authors are informed so that they make the clarifications and to continue the editorial process, if valid clarifications are not received, we proceed to exclude the article from the editorial process, and make an internal registration of unethical behaviour.

- Review by an Editorial Committee member, in order to verify the relevance, structure of the scientific article and impact for the article's area of ​​knowledge. In case of suggestions, the article and the reviewer's concept are sent to the authors so that they can do the pertinent changes before a deadline of two weeks.

- Evaluation by peers, experts in the article's area of ​​knowledge. The article is sent at least to two national or international evaluators and the review is done according to the "double blind" method, in which the peers submit their concepts, suggestions and evaluations, according to formats established by the journal. The possible outcomes are: Accepted (with minor changes), Accepted (with major changes), Not accepted. In case of obtaining a favorable and an unfavorable concept, the article is sent to a third peer and the decision will be made according to the three concepts received.

Up to the moment of giving a concept, an average of 6 months may elapsed, from the reception date of the article.

- The concept is sent to the authors to carry out the relevant modifications and send, in addition their answers to each of the evaluators.

If the peers express interest in knowing the modified version of the article, it is sent to them so taht they can give their final concept of approval or not of the changes made.

The final decision of acceptance or not is made by the Editorial Committee and the editor, after considering the concepts of the peers and the results of the evaluation process.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Privacy Statement

Information provided remains confidential by all staff in charge of editorial process (editor, editorial and scientific board members, professional assistants and committee support), for not to be used for purposes other than required in the editorial process, another people or institutions.


The Journal Ion’s primary mission is to serve as a means of communication open to the whole community, oriented to the publication of results of scientific research and technological fields of physical and chemical sciences, chemical engineering and related fields. In turn, Ion seeks to encourage a research culture and allow the reader to locate in the scientific, academic and current research, thus contributing to the institutional mission of the Industrial University of Santander.



Revista ION the journal will be screened and national recognition, positioning itself as a publication for excellence in Colombia in physicochemical science topics, Chemical Engineering and related.

 It is proposed that in the next five years, the journal is indexed in the indexes of engineering journals such as Engineering Index and Chemical Abstracts and Chemical Abstracts Plus.



Revista ION is a publication admitted by Colciencias in the National Index of Serial, Scientific and Technological Publications of Colombia Publindex - Category C.

CHEMICAL ABSTRACT, database covering topics such as chemistry, engineering, patents, medicine, and regulatory data.

Chemical Abstracts Plus.

SciELO Colombia.

Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ.

FUENTE ACADEMICA PREMIER, Colección de revistas científicas de América Latina, Portugal y España.

DIALNET, Índice español de Revistas multidiciplinares.


Materials Science & Engineering Database

Declaration of ethics and good editorial practice

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Revista Ion
ISSN 0120-100X

Declaration of ethics and good editorial practice – Revista ION

For Revista ION is important to maintain high ethical standards in the publication of all its numbers and volumes, that’s why we take the necessary measures to prevent fraud, plagiarism and malpractice.

All authors must submit original and unpublished articles, in Spanish, English or Portuguese, which belong to the field of physicochemical and related sciences, declaring these characteristics at the time of submitting their work for editorial board's consideration.


Revista ION also aims to guarantee a fair and objective review of the manuscripts, using a system of peer evaluation that is blind in double-way.

The editor and all editorial staff must not reveal any information about any article that has been submitted to the journal for review. The only ones that can exchange information with the author are: reviewers, editorial assistant, members of the editorial and scientific committees if that is necessary.

Verification of originality

Revista ION uses the Turnitin Software to compare the articles submitted with published writings, in order to detect possible breaches in the unpublished character and in the originality of the articles submitted to the editorial process and possible publication.

Divulgation and interest conflicts 

The unpublished material submitted by the author with his manuscript to ION journal, must not be used in investigations of the editor, without the consent of the author.


Declaration of good editorial practices and ethical standards

Editor responsibilities

The editor must act in a balanced, objective and fair manner without any kind of sexual, religious, political discrimination against the authors, making a correct use of the laws handed down in the Constitution of Colombia regarding this issue.

Also, he/she should: consider, edit and publish academic contributions only for their academic merit regardless of any commercial influence or interest conflicts.

Revista ION editor with the editorial board help is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal, should be published. The editor should be guided by the policies of the editorial and scientific boards of the journal and should bear in mind the current legal issues related to defamation, copyright or plagiarism.

Likewise, he/she must accept and follow the proper procedures for resolving any complaints or misunderstandings ethical or interest conflicts. The editor and the editorial board, will act in accordance with the regulations, policies and procedures established by the Universidad Industrial de Santander. In any case it will be given authors an opportunity to respond to conflicts of interest. Any complaint must be supported with documentation and media to check the inappropriate behavior.

Reviewers Responsibilities

Reviewers should contribute objectively to the articles evaluation process of articles submitted for consideration at the ION journal, collaborating in a timely manner with the improvement in the quality of these original scientific research products.

Keep the confidentiality of the data supplied by the editor, the editorial board or the authors, making proper use of such information by the means that are provided. However, it's his decision: to accept or reject the manuscript in the evaluation process.

Inform the editor and the editorial board in a timely manner, if the content of an academic contribution presents elements of plagiarism or it substantially resembles to other research published or in press.

Reviewers must know relevant published papers that have not been mentioned by the authors. Any declaration of an observation, derivation, or argument that has been previously used must be specified with its corresponding reference. A reviewer should also notify the editor of Revista ION if he has knowledge that, any similarity or overlap between an article under review and other articles published previously, could be produced.

Reviewers must know relevant published papers that have not been mentioned by the authors. Any declaration of an observation, derivation, or argument that has been previously used must be specified with its corresponding reference. A reviewer should also notify the editor of Revista ION if he has knowledge of any similarity or overlap between an article under review and other articles published previously.

Any referee who feel that is not qualified to review an article or is aware that it will be impossible to meet the deadline required to make its evaluation, shall justify his excuse of the review process by notifying the editor as soon as possible.

Responsibilities of Authors

Authors should declare that the article has not been published previously and it's not being considering for publication elsewhere, moreover, that article does not break any copyright or other proprietary right of any person or entity and does not contain abusive, defamatory, obscene or fraudulent statements, or any other statement that is illegal in any way. 

Keep supports and precise records data and analysis related to the manuscript submitted for consideration by Revista ION. When the editor or the editorial board of Revista ION require this information (on reasonable grounds), the authors should provide or facilitate access to it. At the time it required, the original data will enter on a chain of custody that ensures the confidentiality and protection of the information by the journal.

Confirm by assignment of copyright and declaration of interest conflicts or originality evidence (format established by Revista ION) that all authors agree to submit their article to evaluation by the Revista ION committees, that it is original, unpublished and is not being considered or has been submitted for evaluation and/or it's accepted in another publication.

When part of the article content has been published or presented in other media, authors must recognize and cite the sources and mention the respective academic credits.

Declare any potential interest conflict that may have improper influence at any time of the publication process.

Review carefully the article final version, before publication in the Revista ION, to report errors that it may have and that should be corrected. In case of finding significant errors, once the article is published, authors should make a timely notification to the editor and the editorial board, and then cooperate with the Revista ION in a publication of errata, an appendix, a reporting, a correction, or in cases where it is considered necessary, to remove the article from the issue published.

Retraction Policy

Revista ION follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to ensure the integrity and scientific quality of the journal, the Editorial Committee will retract any document where any of the cases listed below is detected:  

  1. If there is clear evidence that the results are not reliable, either due to falsification of data, calculation or experimental errors and/or data fabrication.
  2. Plagiarism is evident.
  3. Redundant publication, that is, the results have been published previously and there is no permission or justification to them again.
  4. It has materials or data without authorization for its use.
  5. If the author's copyrights have been infringed, or there may be some other legal problem.
  6. When the peer review process has been compromised or manipulated.
  7. When the authors have not reported that there is a conflict of interest and the editor considers that this could have affected the interpretations of the work.
  8. When it is identified that an article was submitted simultaneously to Revista ION and some other journal and that it has been published in both.

The retraction process will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations indicated by COPE, which may be consulted at:https://publicationethics.org/news/copes-retraction-guidelines-2019
In addition, it will be notified in all bibliographic databases in which the journal is indexed and will be disseminated on the site: http://retractionwatch.com>