Published 2021-09-14
- Tetraselmis sp,
- Culture medium,
- Photobioreactor,
- Aquaculture,
- Gompertz
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Microalgae play a very important role in the food chain of aquaculture, they have already been used in the nutrition and breeding of mollusks, shrimps and fish in their different stages of growth. Tetraselmis sp. is a recognized microalgae for its applications as live feed in aquaculture and its grow could vary according to the culture conditions. In this sense, different growing conditions such as culture medium, commercial fertilizer, photoperiod (12:12 and 24: 0) and salinity (0-55 g l-1) to obtain different growth kinetic parameters. The best growing conditions were achieved with a commercial fertilizer, a 12:12 photoperiod, salinity of 35 g l-1, a specific growth rate of 1,071 d-1, doubling time of 0.64 days, yields (Yx/s) of biomass with respect to the consumption of nitrate, phosphorus and ammonium of 4.3; 37.7; 10.5 (g g-1) respectively, with a protein content of 55% (w/w). In addition, the Gompertz model for biomass production was evaluated, presenting a good fit (r2 = 0.9) between the model and the experimental results.
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