Vol. 33 No. 2 (2020): Revista ION

Prediction of vapour-liquid equilibrium of the binary system acetonechloroform through Van Laar and Peng Robinson thermodynamic model

María Isabel Sandoval Martínez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Samuel Fernando Muñoz Navarro
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Humberto Jose Martinez Jiménez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2020-11-12


  • Liquid-Gas Equilibrium,
  • Acetone-Chloroforme,
  • Van Laar Model,
  • Fugacity Coefficient,
  • Activity Coefficient

How to Cite

Sandoval Martínez, M. I., Muñoz Navarro, S. F., & Martinez Jiménez, H. J. (2020). Prediction of vapour-liquid equilibrium of the binary system acetonechloroform through Van Laar and Peng Robinson thermodynamic model. Revista ION, 33(2), 49–60. https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v33n2-2020004


The Determination of the liquid-vapor equilibrium of different systems is very important information for the mixtures characterization and its separation processes. Equilibrium is estimated experimentally; however, its execution has high costs due to the precision demanded in said tests. A good solution to this problem is to employ thermodynamic models that allow obtaining phase equilibrium. This article shows the methodology for estimating the liquid-vapor balance of a non-ideal azeotrope binary system, taking as an example the mixture of acetone and chloroform, in the Matlab 9.0 software tool. To reach the main objective of the research, the dew and bubble curve was developed, using the cubic equation of Peng Robinson to calculate the fugacity coefficients and the thermodynamic model of Van Laar for the activity coefficients. The resulting curves were compared with the curves obtained experimentally at a temperature of 50 °C and 35.17 °C, showing a well fit, with average relative errors of less than 3.9%. Additionally, the results were compared with those estimated through the Aspen HYSYS chemical process simulator and with a commercial program (VLE Cal), reaching average error percentages of less than 1%.


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