Vol. 33 No. 2 (2020): Revista ION

Application of fluidifiers as viscosity reduction agents to improve Colombian heavy crude oil production

Edison Odilio Garcia Navas
Smart Fluid International
Gabriel Eduardo Pérez Ayala
Smart Fluid International

Published 2020-11-12


  • Artificial lift systems,
  • Production Optimization,
  • Viscosity Reduction,
  • Fluidifiers,
  • Heavy Crude Oil

How to Cite

Garcia Navas, E. O., & Pérez Ayala, G. E. (2020). Application of fluidifiers as viscosity reduction agents to improve Colombian heavy crude oil production. Revista ION, 33(2), 111–122. https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v33n2-2020009


At least 50% of Colombia’s production is heavy crude oil. This crude oil is usually produced through water emulsions in oil showing an apparent viscosity greater than its actual viscosity. Due to the result of this increase, constraints are generated through the flow lines, thus decreasing fluid production. As an alternative solution, the implementation of fluidifiers (viscosity reduction agents) is proposed.

This case study starts from the basic characterization of two fluid samples supplied by two operating companies, 12 and 18 °API crudes, with emulsified water percentages of 20% and 0.2% respectively. The performance of fluidifier additives designed for these specific cases was evaluated in the laboratory, at various temperature conditions, to simulate field conditions and thus define the best fluidifier additive for application in the production system.

Smart Fluid has successfully tested its fluidifier additives in heavy oil-producing wells with different artificial lift systems, obtaining important results of viscosity reduction from treated fluids. For this case report, the cases analyzed are set as BES01 and UBH02, at actual field conditions were found reductions in viscosity between 20 and 40%; wellhead pressure of 45%; pressure losses in the collection system of 89%; and %BSW of 50%. Thus, contributing increases in the production of wells, reduction of the energy consumption of the artificial lift systems, and improvements in the crude dewatering process, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the technology to fulfill its purpose


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