Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) Recycling Generated at the Universidad del Valle (Meléndez) for the Manufacture of Paving Stones
Published 2021-05-25
- C&DW,
- Aggregates,
- Recycling,
- Paving Stone
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The main objective of this paper is to show a proposal about the use and recycling of construction and demolition wastes (C&DW) for the preparation of aggregates as a raw material in the production of paving stones obtained from Escuela de Ingeniería de Materiales (EIMAT), Universidad del Valle sede Meléndez wastes. Construction wastes concentration points at University are shown along with their classification and selection. The process of production of aggregates and paving stone is also present. The characterization of the paving stones has be done using the following tests: water absorption, density and flexural strength and compare with those of normal aggregates; obtaining respectively the following results: 3,52 %; 1608,21 kg m-3; 3,5 MPa (7 days). The results of the tested properties show that the aggregates obtained by crushing C&DW (mortars, bricks and concrete) have a good performance in paving stones.
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