Impact of fermentation and drying in polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of cocoa variety CCN-51
Published 2016-12-15
- Cocoa,
- Post-Harvest Process,
- CCN-51,
- Total Polyphenols,
- Antioxidant Capacity.
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The influence of fermentation and drying time was evaluated simultaneously on the antioxidant capacity (CA) and total polyphenol content (PT) clone CCN-51, seeking conditions to benefit leading to a higher value -added product from the point functionally. ORAC (CA) and Folin-Ciocalteu (PT) methods were employed. Polyphenols were tentatively identified by LC-MS. The profit was realized in stages microfermentation drawer and natural drying in the sun. The analysis followed a multi-factorial experimental design of 15 experiments/sampling. Significant differences between levels were established with an analysis of variance. The CA (expressed in micromole equivalents of trolox (TE)/grams of dried sample) and PTcontent (expressed in gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/grams of dried sample) varied significantly during fermentation, recording values between 1055.2-347.3μmolTE/g (d.b.) and 78.1-33.3mgGAE/g (d.b.), respectively. According to ANOVA, the natural drying effect was not significant in the evolution of these variables (p<0.05). The evolution of the content of PT and CA, as a function of days of fermentation, a reciprocal mathematical model was adjusted (R2>0.95 in both cases). The fit equations were used to predict of behavior of PT in Forastero and Amazonico clones, when results were compared with experimental results of other works an average relative error of 20%, was obtained. Finally, it was established that the fermentation causes a decrease in the monomers and oligomers present (except catechin and procyanidin B1) that may be related to decrease CA. Fermentation is the stage of profit generated greater impact on the variation of the content of PT and CA.
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