Vol. 30 No. 1 (2017): Revista ION
Article of scientific and technological research

Facing bioprocess modeling: a review of the methodologies of modeling

Fabian Alberto Ortega Quintana
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Medellín
Hernán Álvarez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Medellín
Hector Antonio Botero castro
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Medellín

Published 2017-06-30


  • bioprocess,
  • phenomenology,
  • empirical,
  • explicative,
  • descriptive,
  • modeling
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ortega Quintana, F. A., Álvarez, H., & Botero castro, H. A. (2017). Facing bioprocess modeling: a review of the methodologies of modeling. Revista ION, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v30n1-2017006


This article presents a detailed review of different approaches for process modeling, indicating their deficiencies and limitations when applied to bioprocesses modeling. As a result of the analysis it is concluded that these methodologies fail in bioprocesses modeling because they do not explicitly take into account the interaction between environment and cellular material, at least descriptively. It is noted that so far the way to bring these two worlds has been through purely predictive functions. Finally, the trends in bioprocess model are described; concluding that the approach is oriented to phenomenological based mathematical models with descriptive or explanatory features, to represent the relationship between the cell and its environment.


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