v. 36 n. 1 (2023): Revista ION

Uso do MASP (Método de Análise e Solução de Problemas) para possibilitar a reprodução de método de cromatografia líquida

Kaliane Regalin Aver
Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Publicado 2023-02-28


  • MASP,
  • Cromatografia,
  • Qualidade,
  • CLAE,
  • Sorbitol

Como Citar

Regalin Aver, K. (2023). Uso do MASP (Método de Análise e Solução de Problemas) para possibilitar a reprodução de método de cromatografia líquida. REVISTA ION, 36(1), 15–28. https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v36n1-2023002


The aim of this work is to use MASP (analysis and problem solving method) to develop and/or reproduce a chromatographic method for the analysis of sorbitol in whole grape juice, making possible the identification of frauds and adulterations in this beverage. Although different chromatographic methods for this analysis are available in the literature, the efficiency, selectivity and robustness of a chromatographic method are directly related to the conditions available in each laboratory. Therefore, the repetition of parameters previously determined in the literature does not ensure good results. During the reproduction of the sorbitol analytical method, an interference has been identified as the cause of the low resolution of the analyte peak. In such wise, the MASP was presented as a method for identifying and solving a problem. Owing to the metodology, it was possible list the possible root causes, elaborate and practice different action plans, eliminate certains causes based on action plans results, improving the understanding about the problem and, finally, detecting the root cause. With the cause determined, it was possible to reposition the modules of the HPLC equipment, reducing the length of the capillary between the outlet of the separation column and the inlet of the RID detector. Thus, the MASP was a practical and efficient method to identify and solve the problem, allowing the development of a selective and robust method for the analysis of sorbitol by HPLC in whole grape juices.


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