About the Journal


  1. Focus and Scope
  2. Peer Review Process
  3. Open Access Policy
  4. Mission
  5. Vision
  6. Indexing
  7. Publication ethics and good practice guidelines

Focus and Scope

This journal issues unpublished articles written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Such articles present original and empirical research and theoretical innovations on debates of historical interpretation based on the critical use of primary sources (documentaries, iconographic, auditory and those recently deposited in any technological system). It also publishes articles on historiographical balances contributing to the understanding and knowledge of advances, gaps and the current state of social and regional history, and of the borders of Colombia and Latin America.

Additionally, they are published bibliographic reviews and essays, translations of articles published abroad in languages different from Spanish, and transcriptions of archival sources with an explanatory introduction.

Peer Review Process

Note: The editorial process of the articles does not involve financial contributions from the authors in any of the stages.

The evaluation process of the articles is carried out in approximately five (5) months, through the following stages:

1. Filter (15 days approximately): each submitted proposal is reviewed by the editorial team in order to determine if it meets with the journal's editorial policies and regulations, as well as if it is relevant for publication in a scientific journal of a historical nature. In addition, texts are sometimes subjected to a revision by using the Turnitin software in order to detect the level of similarity; if it is above 25%, articles are rejected.

Based on the foregoing, a first concept is prepared and issued to the authors requesting them the Copyright Transfer Agreement and, if it is considered pertinent, copyediting to begin the evaluation process. The author has five (5) business days to make the necessary modifications.

2. Double-blind evaluation (2 to 3 months approximately): the Editorial Board selects the articles which in fact meet the minimum standards required in a scientific article. Thereafter, the articles are sent to a double-blind peer in order to check if it is met the appropriate academic suitability, who use a grid which privileges the historiographical contributions, coherence and relevance of the possible articles to be published.

The academic peers dictate and issue a concept in which they decide on the approval of the text without modifications, with modifications or rejection. It is important to insist on the fact that this process is anonymous, given that authors and evaluators do not know each other's names.

The actions and editorial decisions of the Yearbook are framed in the guidelines given by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This Committee aims to strengthen and monitor good editorial practices and safeguard the ethical behavior of serial scientific publications.

3. Editing by authors (1 month approximately): articles which are approved without modifications, immediately begin the editing process for publication. In case the article is approved with modifications, the author has fifteen (15) calendar days to send the final version, which must contain the highlighted and justified changes. The editor verifies that the changes are in fact relevant to the evaluations and gives the corresponding endorsement to begin the editing and publication process.

In this process, it is necessary to clarify that the Editorial Board makes the final decisions about the publication of each proposal and the number in which it is published. This information is communicated to the author as soon as it is known. The assigned date is fulfilled as long as the author submits all the documentation requested, within the indicated period. Finally, it is worth noting that, during the evaluation and editing of the texts, the privileged communication between the authors and the journal will be by electronic mail.

Open Access Policy

 This journal provides immediate open access to its content from the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater exchange of global knowledge. In the same way, the authors do not to pay for publishing.

To ensure the preservation of access to content and guarantee a permanent archive, Open Journal System is supported on the CLOCKSS system (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe).

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


The mission of Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras is to disseminate the historical and historiographical knowledge of the scientific community of Colombia and Latin America, which contributes to the discussion in the Social and Human Sciences.


Our vision is to place itself as one of the academic journals of History with the greatest impact in the Colombian and Latin American field.

Abstracting and Indexing

 The Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras is registered in the following indexes and databases:

PUBLINDEX, Journal recognized by the National Index of Colombian Scientific and Technological Serial Publications of COLCIENCIAS. (Indexation Category C).

EBSCO FUENTE ACADÉMICA PREMIER, Bibliographic Base Academic Source.

LATINDEX , The Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

SciELO, an electronic library that covers a select collection of Colombian scientific journals from all areas of knowledge.

Dialnet, Spanish index of multidisciplinary journals.

CLASE,  Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities.

REDIB, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, managed by CSIC, Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universia.

SHERPA/RoMEO, Database of editorial policies regarding self-archiving of journal articles on the web and open access in repositories.

REDALYC, Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals

Google Académico

ERIHPLUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences

MIAR, Matrix of Information for the Analysis of Journals.

Publication ethics and good practice guidelines

Declaration of ethical norms and good practices

Declaration of ethical norms and good practices PDF

The Anuario de Historia Regional y de las fronteras is governed by international standards of ethics and quality, established to avoid fraud and plagiarism, and privileges scientific rigor and transparency in the development of the entire editorial process. For this purpose, the manuscripts will be original and unpublished, which is a requirement that the author must make clear from the beginning of the editorial process. Likewise, the journal guarantees a rigorous and transparent review procedure of the manuscripts, which begins in the Editorial Board where it is defined if the article meets the minimum criteria demanded by a scientific journal.

Subsequently, the article is submitted to the arbitration of anonymous reviewers and of recognized suitability. The editorial actions and decisions of the journal are framed in the guidelines given by the Editorial Board on Publication Ethics (COPE), which has as main objective to strengthen and monitor good publishing practices and safeguard the ethical behavior of serial scientific publications.

Editor’s Responsibilities

The Editor acts in accordance with the criteria of equality, objectivity, impartiality and the current regulations related to copyright. In addition to the above, the editorial process privileges the merits of the works themselves above any subjective reading and particular interests.

The transparency of the editorial and arbitration process is guaranteed, in accordance with the recommendations and protocols established in the program for scientific journals, Open Journal System, and in those of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS.

The procedures for resolution of complaints or misunderstandings of ethical or conflict of interest seek to privilege the transparency of the editorial process without ignoring the rights of the authors; for that reason, both parties will be able to argue scientifically on what they consider convenient when the case deserves it.

The Editor and the Editorial Board act in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement 077 of the Superior Council of 2005 of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, which regulates the editorial policy of the periodical publications of the University; And with Agreement 078, which regulates the different editorial processes of UIS.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

The reviewers will report timely and confidentially to the Editor the possible evidence of plagiarism.

On the other hand, in the event of a possible conflict of interest of the reviewers with respect to the manuscript, they must communicate to the Editor the reasons for which such problems arise. In this sense, the reviewers may waive the evaluation if he deems it necessary. Conflicts of interest may be associated, among other reasons, with conflicting institutional links; it may also be related to the financing of research from which the article derives; considering which the article conflicts with their beliefs or ethical practices; or to sense that there is some closeness with the author.

Authors’ Responsibilities

The authors certify through the statement of originality provided by the journal that the academic proposal is not being evaluated or has been submitted and / or evaluated to another publication.  Likewise, authors should mention in an explanatory footnote whether they have published or presented in another medium part of the content of the article; additionally, state the medium and give the corresponding academic credit.

It is recommended that authors send a copy of the publications, which may have contents closely related to the submitted text.

The author must provide the reproduction authorization letter of tables, figures or images which require special permission.

The author must provide information on the research that gave rise to the article, in case of having financial support, it should be mentioned.

In case the editor or Editorial Committee requires a review of media or data records and analyzes related to the text presented, the author is obliged to facilitate access to them. The original data will enter a chain of custody that ensures the confidentiality and protection of the information by the journal.

The author is expected to communicate to the publisher any potential conflict of interest which  may affect the publication process.

In case of finding important errors in an already published text, the author must communicate it in a timely manner to the Editor and the Editorial Board. For which a typo warning will be published; or if necessary removed from the website of the journal.

All authors are required to provide retractions or error correction in case of detection.

Procedures for dealing with unethical behavior

In the case of detecting unethical behavior, this must preferably be communicated in writing to the Editor, providing evidence on which the reviewer or the person detecting the fault is based.

In those cases where the Editor does not respond in a timely manner, the complainant reports the absence to the Editorial Board of the Journal Program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS.

The procedure begins with the announcement of the editor to the Editorial Board, in order to make a decision which guarantees a timely and fair solution to the ethical misconduct. If the editor considers that the fault is not serious, in a proactive and respectful dialogue with the author, the problem presented will be solved directly.

In the event that the Editorial Board decides to investigate, the process will be carried out with the utmost confidentiality and respecting the regular conduct. In addition, the authors will always have the opportunity to respond to the complaint made to them.

Unethical behavior of a serious nature (plagiarism, simultaneous submissions, duplicate publication, conflict of interest, authorship disputes or fragmentation) will be notified to the authors' institution supporting the research. Likewise, if the Editorial Board considers it necessary, the absence will also be sent to the sponsors of the research that supports the article.

Measures to be taken in the event of a fault, depending on the severity: from minor to major

Communicate to the author or reviewer of possible misunderstanding or ethical malpractice.

Send a letter indicating the lack of ethical conduct, as a precedent for good behavior in the future.

Publicly report the misconduct, grounding it in the investigation process.

Edit an editorial page indicating the incorrect performance, explaining the evidence obtained in the investigation process.

Communicate formally to the organizations of institutional affiliation of the authors and, if it is considered necessary, to the financing entities, the investigation process which demonstrates the fault committed.

Correct or modify errors, or, if necessary, remove the article from the website of the journal.

Notify the authors that for five years they will not be able to publish in the Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras.

Inform the competent authorities of the fault committed, in case the name of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is compromised.

Our journal

 The Anuario that is currently led by Dra. Ana Milena Rhenals Doria, was founded in 1995 with the purpose of spreading academic production of the regional history and Colombian borders, and Latin America. Since 2012 there are two numbers published per year, one of them is published around a particular topic (dossier) and the other is around free topics. The spirit of the journal's mission is to publish articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese, unpublished, original and from historical character, grounded in rigorous scientific research, based on the critical use of primary sources (documentary, iconographic, auditory and recently deposited in any technological system). Likewise, it publishes reflective texts that show theoretical and historiographical debates or interpretations about the most diverse and historical problems of Colombia and Latin America. There are also historiographical balances reports published, that contribute to the understanding and knowledge of the progress, gaps and current state of historical research. Finally, it publishes book reviews and transcripts of historiographical relevance documents.

Indexing Services and Summary:

- LATINDEX, SciELO, EBSCO Fuente Académica Premier, CLASE, DIALNET, REDIB, SHERPA/RoMEO, RedALyC, Ulrich's, Emerging Sources Citation index- Thomson Reuters, Sapiens Research Group, DOAJ, Google Scholar, ERIHPLUS, MIAR.

Extended liability

 Published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors. The Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras will not assume responsibility, in any case, of the points of views and facts contained in each article.