About the Journal
Fuentes, el reventón energético is a peer-reviewed scientific publication, specialized in the dissemination of works developed in the area of energy sources, Oil & Gas and topics related to the energy transition. It is published every six months by the School of Petroleum Engineering of Universidad Industrial de Santander, with articles of reflection, review, and research results.
Focus and Scope
Fuentes publishes unpublished research projects, articles of reflection, and review articles in the field of physicochemical engineering that may be of interest to the academic community.
Open Access Policy
The UIS Journal System must be in accordance with national policies on the global Open Science movement. It must also ensure that the science disseminated through its journals is shared, collaborative and transparent, with the aim of promoting greater scientific discoveries and advances and to benefit and interact positively with all sectors of the region. Finally, it must guarantee alternative dissemination spaces for the journals that comprise it. Accordingly, the following components of Open Science should always be taken into account: Open Access, Open Data, Open Evaluation, Citizen Science and Crowdfunding.
This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering a public free access to research helps to a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The journal makes NO financial charge for submitting, reviewing, revising, editing and publishing articles in any of its issues.
This work is shared under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.
On the other hand, it is necessary that the authors who submit articles to Fuentes,el reventón energético, keep in mind the importance of the datasets (set of data that were used to elaborate the research or scientific publication, for example: code, videos, images, spreadsheets, maps, audios, among others). The associated data or dataset should not be confused with the complementary material of the article, since they are not part of it and do not have the same format. In addition, they must be traceable, accessible, interoperable and reusable in accordance with the FAIR Principles that seek to promote good practices for data management.
It is requested that the data be made available to editors and reviewers so that they can be included in the review process. In addition, a data availability statement should be attached indicating how the data can be accessed, the persistent identifier or link to the repository where they are deposited and whether they can be shared openly or have any restrictions for the protection of the privacy of the participants in the study.
Fuentes, el reventón energético is the scientific journal of the School of Petroleum Engineering of Universidad Industrial de Santander. Its purpose is to publish research, reflection, and review articles, product of the research processes in the area of energy sources, especially hydrocarbons. The journal is aimed at the scientific community, students, and professionals whose work is focused on the areas covered by the journal.
Fuentes, el reventón energético will be a journal of national and international recognition in the field of hydrocarbons and energy sources, guaranteeing the quality, veracity, and scientific timeliness of its publications, contributing with research results to academia and industry.
Revista Fuentes: El reventón energético is indexed by:
PUBLINDEX, Índice Nacional de Publicaciones Seriadas Científicas y Tecnológicas Colombianas de COLCIENCIAS en Categoría C.
SCOPUS, la mayor base de datos de resúmenes y citas de literatura revisada por pares: revistas científicas, libros y actas de congresos.
DOAJ,Directory of Open Access Journals.
CHEMICAL ABSTRACT PLUS (CAS), CAplus covers patent and journal article references from all areas of chemistry, biomedical sciences, engineering, materials science and agricultural science. Coverage goes back to 1907.
DIALNET, Indice español de revistas multidiciplinarias.
EBSCO FUENTE ACADÉMICA PLUS, Base Bibliográfica Fuente Académica.
LATINDEX , Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal.
SHERPA ROMEO, online resource that aggregates and presents publisher and journal open access policies from around the world.
Fuentes, el reventón energético ISSN 1657-6527
Statement of Ethics and Best Practice
It is important for Fuentes journal to maintain high ethical standards in the publication of all its issues and volumes. Hence, it makes use of Turnitin, a tool to avoid fraud, plagiarism, and bad practices.
Likewise, all authors must submit original and unpublished papers, in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, related to the areas of energy sources, petroleum engineering, and related fields, declaring those characteristics at the time of submitting their papers for consideration by the editorial committee.
Fuentes journal seeks to ensure a fair and objective review of submissions by employing double-blind peer review. The editor and all editorial staff must not disclose any information about any paper that has been submitted to the journal for review. The only people to whom the information may be exchanged are the authors, reviewers, editorial advisors, and members of the editorial board and scientific committee when necessary.
Editorial management times
- There is an estimate of (6) six days’ time from the reception of the document on the OJS platform or through e-mail, until the issuance of the Section Editor concept.
- The evaluation process depends directly on the availability of the evaluators. When the section editor endorses the article to start the evaluation process, the peer reviewers are requested to evaluate the document. The approximate time limit between the request and the response from a peer reviewer is 15 days. If there is no response within those days, a request for evaluation is sent to another peer reviewer.
- Once the peer reviewer agrees to evaluate the document, the evaluation form is sent to him/her. The peer reviewer has approximately 2 weeks to complete and submit the review.
- After receiving the evaluation, if there are suggestions for changes, the authors are notified so that they can make the necessary adjustments.
- In the event that, after 3 months, the article cannot be peer-reviewed, the authors are notified so that they can decide whether or not to continue with the editorial process.
- After obtaining the corrected version of the document, a final revision with change control is made, to be sent to diagramming. The correction time varies according to the number and degree of complexity of the corrections, as well as the speed of response from the authors.
- Once the document has been diagrammed, the author has the option of revising the last version before it is published.
Originality of articles
Fuentes journal requests authors to submit a letter stating the originality of the article and no simultaneous application in other journals or editorial bodies.
Disclosures and conflicts of interest
The unpublished material sent by the author to Fuentes journal, must not be used in the editor's research without the express consent of the article's author.