Call for papers


Dear Researcher,

From Fuentes: El Reventón Energético journal, we would like to invite you to publish your intellectual production as we consider it a great contribution to our scientific and cultural environment.

Fuentes: El Reventón Energético is a scientific publication of the School of Petroleum Engineering of the Industrial University of Santander. The journal is dedicated to the dissemination of research articles focused on petrochemistry, petrophysics, carbochemistry, alternative energy sources, petroleum geology, new materials, and composite materials technologies, among others.

This journal provides open access to its content and is indexed in: Scopus, Web Of Science, Publindex Latindex, Doaj, Redib, Dialnet, among others.

The reception of articles is constant in the mail: 

Articles will be published once they have complied with the established quality parameters.

We hope to count on your valuable experience and knowledge