Analysis of Pressure Derivate Data for Reservoirs with Top and Base Open to the Flow

Published 2019-10-15
- Tiab’s Direct Synthesis Technique,
- pressure derivative,
- partial penetration,
- anisotropy
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In this paper the Tiab’s Direct Synthesis (TDS) Technique is implemented with the purpose of characterizing a reservoir with a top and base open to flow, in which a well is partially or completely completed. In order to do so, it was necessary to use a commercial software that allowed to simulate different pressure tests in a reservoir under the previously mentioned conditions, thus modifying various parameters such as anisotropy, penetration and thickness of the area of interest. From the results obtained by the software and the implementation of Tiab’s Direct Synthesis Technique, different equations are determined that allow to identify characteristic points on the pressure derivative curve for this type of reservoirs; and thus, achieving the appropriate characterization of them. The developed equations were successfully tested with synthetic examples.
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