Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Study to select a re-inyector well in oriente basin

Diego Ayala
Facultad de física, universidad de Barcelona
Silvia Ayala
Instituto tecnológico superior Cotopaxi
Guillermo Pabón
Jonathann Fabara
Escuela politécnica nacional

Published 2020-03-11


  • Production,
  • Water formation,
  • Re-injection well,
  • Reservoir,
  • Porosity and Permeability

How to Cite

Ayala, D., Ayala, S., Pabón, G., & Fabara, J. (2020). Study to select a re-inyector well in oriente basin. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 18(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v18n1-2020006


The demand for crude oil has not stopped growing, this means a gradual increase of wells drilled to maintain production, but the oil comes with a fossil water that means additional costs that make the competitiveness of the barrel of crude oil produced more expensive, we are talking about the formation water , today the production area takes this problem very seriously because its increase is proportional to the number of wells drilled and has an increase that is intrinsic to the rate of production due to the maturity of each well. This is a real challenge when managing these waters, which due to their composition can be addressed on two fronts, the first as a support mechanism in recovering crude oil, the second and more usual in Ecuador using a reinjection well to return these waters to the reservoir, the operation consists of choosing a receiving formation with good
petrophysical parameters that allow the admission of these fluids and keep them isolated, in this way any type of contamination to the groundwater and the environment will be avoided.


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