Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Less-concentrated HPAM solutions as a polymer retention reduction method in CEOR

J.C Lizcano-Nino
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Vitor Hugo de Sousa Ferreira
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Rosangela B. Z. L Moreno
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

Published 2020-03-11


  • Polymer Flooding,
  • Chemical Flooding,
  • Polymer Retention,
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery,
  • Sandstone

How to Cite

Lizcano-Nino, J., Ferreira, V. H. de S., & Moreno, R. B. Z. L. (2020). Less-concentrated HPAM solutions as a polymer retention reduction method in CEOR. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 18(1), 75–92. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v17n1-2020008


Polymer Flooding has become one of the most implemented EOR techniques, due to three factors: First, Polymer flooding has expanded the range of the screening criteria parameters. Second, this EOR method is more effective than water injection, while handling water management issues in high water-cut reservoirs. Nevertheless, polymer retention can turn a viable technical project into an uneconomical one. Polymer loss due to retention is an inevitable phenomenon, which happens during injection processes. The development of experimental analysis aiming to minimize or reduce polymer loss from the displacing fluid bank is beneficial to broaden the application of this CEOR method. This experimental work evaluated the injection schemes aiming to reduce polymer retention in porous media. The approach consisted of injecting less-concentrated polymer banks followed for the main polymer bank designed for mobility control. An experimental methodology to quantify polymer retention due to each injected polymer bank, cumulative polymer retention, resistance factor, residual resistance factor and inaccessible pore volume (IPV) was developed. The measurement process was based on the injection of 20 PV polymer banks at a constant flow rate of 1ml/min at 25°C, separated by 30 PV brine banks.  Two HPAM with molecular weights of 6-8 million and 20 million Daltons using 350mD and 5000 mD sandstone cores were tested, respectively. The HPAM solutions considering a Colombian field (0.7% NaCl) and seawater (3.5% TDS) salinities were prepared. All rock samples were previously submitted to the injection of 50 PV for preventing fines migration. Two injection schemes with variable polymer concentrations were performed: The first one in which the polymer concentration increased in each successive bank, and the second one in which the concentration decreased. HPAM concentration solutions from 50 ppm to 2000 ppm were sequentially used in both injection schemes. By comparing the results of these two schemes, the effect of the injection of the less-concentrated polymer solutions was evaluated. For the increasing concentration experiments, cumulative retention values of 175.7 µg/g and 58.9 µg/g were calculated for the low-molecular weight polymer and the high-molecular weight polymer, respectively. While comparing with decreasing concentration experiments, for the high-molecular weight HPAM a 19% of retention reduction was evidenced, but no retention reduction was observed for the low-molecular weight one. The results indicate that different retention mechanisms are strongly dependents on the absolute permeability of the samples. Additionally, IPV values of 0.5 PV and 0.25 PV were calculated using low and high permeability samples, respectively. There was no linear relation between the absolute permeability reduction and the polymer concentration of the first bank injected into the sample. The novelty of this work is to use sacrificial banks of less-concentrated HPAM solutions as a reducing retention agent for the polymer bank designed for mobility control.


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