Vol. 19 No. 2 (2021): Revista Fuentes, el reventón energético Volumen 19 n° 2

Analysis of alternatives for the selection of offshore production platforms. Application in the Colombian Caribbean

Oscar Daniel Santos-G
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Juan Diego Barraza-G.
Escuela de Ingeniería de Petróleos, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Emiliano Ariza-León
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Jairo Humberto Cabrera-T
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar

Published 2021-12-06


  • Platforms,
  • offshore,
  • Hydrocarbon production,
  • Metaoceanic conditions,
  • Deep waters

How to Cite

Santos-G, O. D., Barraza-G., J. D., Ariza-León, E., & Cabrera-T, J. H. (2021). Analysis of alternatives for the selection of offshore production platforms. Application in the Colombian Caribbean. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 19(2), 7–17. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v19n2-2021002


The development of this article consists of the application of an analysis sequence which consists of four criteria that can be taken into account when developing an offshore oil field. First, a detailed study is made of the different types of platforms that can be used for the production of hydrocarbons in deep and ultra-deep waters, then the selection criteria for each type of platform are developed depending on factors such as the characteristics of the reservoir, the technical requirements and the meta-oceanic conditions of the site, subsequently it seeks to identify the basic facilities that the offshore facilities must have and a series of scenarios are proposed for the production of the fields taking as a reference the experiences of the Liwan field -1 located in deep waters of the South China Sea.

The application of a scenario for the development of the Orca field is suggested, taking into account the needs of infrastructure, production systems and facilities. In addition, the variables influenced by the meta-oceanic conditions of the area are analyzed; in order to thus analyze all the variables that can drive the selection of a production platform in the northernmost seas of the country, specifically in the waters of the Colombian Caribbean Sea.


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