Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Metodología para la caracterización energética de procesos industriales basada en modelos de regresión bayesianos. Caso de implementación.

Carlos Jeyson Camargo Fiorillo
Ecopetrol S.A.
Carlos Humberto García Rincón
Universidad del Atlántico
Gustavo Andrés Valle Tamayo
Ecopetrol S.A.

Published 2022-10-23


  • Energy efficiency;,
  • pumping systems;,
  • bayesian regression;,
  • model selection

How to Cite

Camargo Fiorillo, C. J. ., García Rincón, C. H., & Valle Tamayo, G. A. . (2022). Metodología para la caracterización energética de procesos industriales basada en modelos de regresión bayesianos. Caso de implementación. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 20(2), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v20n2-2022002


This work presents the design and development of a novel methodology based on statistical techniques, which allows to perform
an energy characterization of industrial processes in compliance with the guidelines of the international standard NTC ISO
50001:2019, its implementation is recommended by the Mining-Energy Planning Unit. in the 2022-2030 version of the Indicative
Plan of the Program for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy in Colombia. The ISO 50001 standard requires having a
quantitative reference (energy baseline) for the energy performance of the process. This paper proposes to calculate the energy
baseline through Bayesian regression models. This methodology also allows to identify the variables or events that have greater
relevance in the energy efficiency of the process, to implement control over them at a later stage and thus improve the energy
performance of the process by manipulating these variables.


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