Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024): Fuentes, el reventón energético


Mauricio Adrián Bustos Moreno
Profesional Independiente

Published 2024-10-16


  • Conductive pipe,
  • ENR,
  • Diesel hammer,
  • Rejection point,
  • Conductor driving

How to Cite

Bustos Moreno, M. A. (2024). DIESEL HAMMERS SELECTION FOR DRIVING CONDUCTIVE PIPE USING THE ENR FORMULA. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 22(2), 7–18. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v22n2-2024001


In certain Latin American countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Mexico; the initial drilling section of a well corresponds to the 26-inch section, which is lined with 20-inch conductive pipe. Currently this initial section of the well is carried out with drilling drills, but the use of a diesel hammer is also being chosen to drive the conductive pipe. The use of the ENR formula is one of the simplest and most used methods to determine the allowable load capacity and resistance of the driven pipe for each blow applied due to its simplicity, since it is only necessary to know the technical specifications of the conductive pipe to be driven and the model of diesel hammer to be used. In addition, it must be considered that not all models of diesel hammers can be used to carry out the driving work of the conductor pipe and that exceeding the rejection point in the last foot driven could cause the collapse of the conductor pipe. Using a diesel hammer for driving conductive pipe can offer a 50% savings compared to the costs associated with drilling drills. This savings makes the diesel hammer a very attractive option for carrying out the initial section of a well.


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