Vol. 21 No. 2 (2023): Fuentes, el reventón energético


Leandro Sebastian Vargas Reyes
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.
Andrea Carolina González Martínez
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.
Giovanni Morales Medina
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.

Published 2023-12-26


  • Turboexpander,
  • RUT,
  • Gas Transportation Policy,
  • Associated gas,
  • Carbon dioxide,
  • Valle Medio del Magdalena,
  • Aspen Hysys
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vargas Reyes, L. S., González Martínez, A. C., & Morales Medina, G. (2023). VARIATIONS IN ASSOCIATED GAS CO2 CONCENTRATION: EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF A TURBOEXPANDER GAS CONDITIONING UNIT. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 21(2), 103–119. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v21n2-2023007


Herein we disclose an evaluation of the performance of a Turboexpander unit for the conditioning of associated gasses with different CO2 contents. The performance evaluation was carried out by the comparison between the results from a simulation in Aspen Hysys v10 and the specifications established in the national gas transportation policy for natural gas (RUT). The Turboexpander unit was designed for the conditioning of an associated gas defined by the scenario of medium production for the Valle Medio del Magdalena, according to the Mining and Energy Planning Unit (UPME) prospects. The conditioning unit considered the sections: stabilization, sweetening, dehydration, and separation by distillation. Similarly, the range for CO2 content variation was defined between 3 - 12 %mol, based on enhanced recovery (EOR) pilots of air injection and CO2 injection. The results of the simulations showed an adequate performance of the Turboexpander unit for the conditioning of associated gasses with up to 6% mol of CO2 contents, fulfilling the quality parameters of the RUT. Likewise, the simulation results showed that the temperature profile in the absorption tower (sweetening section) changed when gasses with CO2 contents greater than 6%mol were treated. This temperature profile change appeared to be responsible for poor CO2 removal performance. The foregoing would suggest adjustments for the sweetening section or a shift of the respective technology in order to fulfill the quality parameters specified in the RUT.


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