Published 2024-11-30
- Cascade effect,
- Multibladed rotor,
- Wind turbine,
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Despite their widespread use, horizontal-axis wind turbines face significant challenges, particularly with the cascade effect, a phenomenon directly impacting their efficiency. The cascade effect arises due to the proximity of wind turbine blades, resulting in deviation in wind streamlines and altering pressure distribution across blade sections. Understanding the cascade effect is crucial to avoid overestimating turbine angular velocity, and preventing inaccurate assessments of turbine efficiency, however, there is a lack of reliable predictive models in existing literature. The primary objective of this study is to develop a novel model for predicting the cascade effect in horizontal-axis wind turbines with multiple blades, utilizing the Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT). The proposed model focuses on streamlining alterations to correct the cascade effect, incorporating four phenomena outlined by Selig et al. (1995): buoyancy, solid blockage, wake blockage, and streamlines curvature. Equations in the study represent specific developments for correcting the angle of attack (αc), resulting in corrected lift (CLc) and drag (CDc) coefficients. This approach enhances the accuracy of aerodynamic parameters in multi-blade turbines, accounting for the influence of the cascade effect. Validation of the proposed BEMT model involved comparing it with experimental data from John, Vaz, & Wood (2020). The experiments utilized straight blades with a curved airfoil, common in multiple-blade turbines. Data from Bruining (1979) were incorporated into the BEMT model to determine power coefficients for multi-blade rotors (N = 3, 6, 12, and 24), validating the code’s effectiveness. Results demonstrated the model’s efficacy in correcting the cascade effect, showcasing its relevance in improving the efficiency of wind turbines within the global context of renewable energy production.
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