Vol. 10 No. 2 (2012): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Estudio experimental de un proceso de inyección continua de vapor en el equipo de desplazamiento radial

Emilio Andrés Cavanzo B
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Leonardo Andrés Alarcón G
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
María Mónica Rincón C
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Carlos Eduardo Naranjo S
Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo
Samuel Fernando Muñoz N
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2012-11-28


  • Steam fooding,
  • Physical Model,
  • Simulation Model,
  • Analytical Model,
  • Enhanced Recovery

How to Cite

Cavanzo B, E. A., Alarcón G, L. A., Rincón C, M. M., Naranjo S, C. E., & Muñoz N, S. F. (2012). Estudio experimental de un proceso de inyección continua de vapor en el equipo de desplazamiento radial. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 10(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistafuentes/article/view/3336


The objective of this article is to present a methodology to reproduce the thermal enhanced oil recovery process called steamfooding, at laboratory scale, using the radial displacement equipment.

For the development of this project were conducted four stages of experimentation; all of them integrated contributed to the design of the steamfooding test at laboratory scale. The frst stage of the process consist on the construction of synthetic plugs for analyzing and determining the most important variables in the process and the basic petro physical properties. Subsequently, were developed a series of preliminary steamfooding tests with the plugs previously built, with the purpose of determining the optimum operational parameters of the steam generator equipment.  Later, the homogeneous porous media was buildt; it represents the fourth part of a reservoir pattern, this constitute he physical model in which the displacement test with steam will be done, it is also presented the technical procedure for the steamfooding tests using the Radial Displacement Equipment (E.D.R) and the fnal results of the est developed. Finally is presented the development of the analytical model used for predicting and representing a steamfooding process and the subsequent execution of the numerical simulation model at laboratory conditions. Alike is included the results analysis and comparison between the three models used for the development of this project.


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