Assessment and expertise insights on coning control for watered out wells in reservoirs with aquifer support

Published 2018-12-17
- WOR (water oil ratio), water coning, WOC (water oil contact), water control technologies, active aquifers.
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Oil production with high water-oil ratio (WOR) in strong water drive reservoirs are prone to generate coning in watered-out production wells. The water-oil contact (WOC) moves upwards through the open perforated intervals in the top of producer sand. Water coning problems are difficult to diagnose and to correct. An inadequate diagnosis and poor knowledge regarding the window of application of technological solutions to control water coning, have evidenced to be an important factor of the low success rate in solving this problem. This paper presents insights based on author’s expertise, for the precise diagnostics of water coning, and the most prospective technical solutions among chemicals, mechanicals and hybrids methods to date.
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