Vol. 17 No. 1 (2019): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Molecular zoning of eocene and miocene age deposits in the north of the Maracaibo lake basin

Jhoan Jose Urdaneta
Corporación Venezolana del Petróleo (CVP)

Published 2018-12-20


  • Fingerprint,
  • Biomarkers,
  • Pristane,
  • Phytane,
  • Star Diagram

How to Cite

Urdaneta, J. J. (2018). Molecular zoning of eocene and miocene age deposits in the north of the Maracaibo lake basin. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 17(1), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v17n1-2019004


The purpose of this research is to document the molecular zoning of trapped crudes in La Rosa Basal Formation (BLR) / Arenas B, located in Block I, in the West of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, specifically in the Lake Maracaibo Basin, in areas VLA0016 and VLA0033 of the Lagomar Production Unit. For the development of this study, a collection of the crude samples in the field following the standard methodology was carried out. Then, at the laboratory level, the atomic relationships between compounds were determined to establish the physical-chemical transformation of the organic material from its deposition to their current state. Once the field data were obtained, the injection thereof was carried out in the Gas Chromatography equipment coupled to a Mass Spectrometer, where the separation of the compounds took place for their subsequent detailed analysis. The results of this investigation allowed us to establish the levels of thermal maturity, origin of organic material, fingerprint of the crude oil, environment of deposition, alterations of the crude through statistical relationships between compounds, in order to characterize geochemically the crude oil of the area of interest.


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