Vol. 17 No. 1 (2019): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Petrophysical characterization of oficina formation in a sector of the carabobo block by fractal methods

Ignacio José Mederos Viloria
Universidad Central

Published 2018-12-20


  • Fractal algorithm,
  • models of petrophysical isoproperties wells register

How to Cite

Mederos Viloria, I. J. (2018). Petrophysical characterization of oficina formation in a sector of the carabobo block by fractal methods. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 17(1), 71–82. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v17n1-2019007


The purpose is to generate models of petrophysical isoproperties from statistical methods that contribute to the static characterization of deposits, the concept of fractal which is defined as an object whose structure is repeated at different scales, was the applied method. Considering that the Carabobo field presents low angle, it was decided to use fractals in this investigation introducing as input records those of gamma rays, density, resistivity and effective porosity, to which the method was applied. for the elaboration and analysis of petrophysical isoproperties models, since they comply with the condition that the records behave as series in time, with randomness and can be normalized. From the analysis by the scaled range technique “R/S” (re- escalation), the Hurst exponent or coefficient (H) is obtained, which indicates the degree of rigor and persistence of the data with distance, establishing in this way the scope of the same when performing the fractal interpolation of the wells, thus generating pseudopozos. The spatial distribution of the petrophysical properties was estimated from the integration of the original wells and the generated pseudo-wells. Corroborating that it is a useful tool, it reduces the uncertainty in the determination and extension of prospects in exploratory processes and improves the visualization of the petrophysical properties both horizontally and vertically.


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