Vol. 34 No. 2 (2021): Revista ION

A theoretical extension applied to Pure Acids with Long Carbon Chain in Liquid Phase to analyse their behavior in Solid Phase

Moilton Franco Junior
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Nattacia Rocha, D.Sc.
UniRV - Universidade de Rio Verde
Warley Pereira, D.Sc.
UniRV - Universidade de Rio Verde

Published 2021-09-29


  • Volume thermal expansivity,
  • Bulk modulus,
  • Liquid and solid phases,
  • Fatty acids,
  • Tait equation,
  • Vinet equation,
  • Birch-Murnagham equation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Franco Junior, M., Rocha, N., & Pereira, W. (2021). A theoretical extension applied to Pure Acids with Long Carbon Chain in Liquid Phase to analyse their behavior in Solid Phase. Revista ION, 34(2), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v34n2-2021006


In this work, Peng-Robinson EOS (equation of state) was chosen to represent liquid phase behavior. Then, regarding the three acids, Lauric, Palmitic and Stearic, bulk modulus coefficients were calculated in three values of pressures (0.1, 1.0 and 2.0 GPa) and a range of temperature of 350-450 K. According to the literature, results for carbon dioxide, bulk modulus in the liquid phase is in the same line for the one in the solid phase considering the temperature dimension. Based on it, in this work, the bulk modulus was estimated at three temperatures for three acids in solid-phase by extrapolating the results in the liquid phase. Despite there are no experimental data available in the literature, these results seem to be consistent with the thermodynamic constraints, and useful discussions were provided.


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