Exploratory Study and Construction of Polymeric Membranes of PLA and PMMA with Lignocelulosic Byproducts
Published 2022-10-28
- Polymeric composites,
- Lignocellulosic fillers,
- Mechanical properties,
- Biodegradability
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Copyright (c) 2022 LAMIA ZUNIGA LINAN, Denilson Moreira Santos, Dr., José Roberto Rodrígues, Dr.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Brazil generates high amount of residual biomass as a result of the sugar, ethanol and açaí berry beverage industries. Thus, in-depth studies about exploitation of these biological resources are highly relevant considering the environmental impact caused for the inappropriate management of this waste.
In this work, polymeric membranes of Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and Polylactic acid (PLA) with lignocellulosic fillers, such as açaí fiber and lignin from sugar cane bagasse were built by solution molding
technique, introducing castor oil as a coupling agent. Through the testing tensile strength, it was possible to assess the Young´s modulus, the deformation and the ductility of the materials. In general, in polymer/fiber membranes the percentage of humidity absorption increased in comparison to the polymer however, the mechanical strength of the polymer was preserved. On the other hand, polymer/lignin membranes were more strength than the polymer. The alkaline pretreatment on the fibers had a positive effect, which promoted the integration of greater fiber amount in the ensemble and increased the biodegradability.
The microscope images showed that the fillers in the membranes remained evenly distributed, moreover at breaking point thus, the mechanical strength of the composite was a result of the combined effect of the matrix/fillers.
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