Effects of aging by UV radiation on chemical and rheological properties of asphalt cements extracted from two Hot Mixed Asphalts
Published 2018-05-05
- Asphalt Oxidation,
- SARA fractionation,
- Asphalt Aging,
- UV radiation
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Asphalt aging is a critical issue for pavement engineering because aging reduces asphalt pavement durability. We studied the incidence on asphalts chemical and rheological properties not only by UV radiation but also by pressure and temperature exposition. Two asphalt cement AC 60-70 and AC 80-100 were used to manufacture two types of samples. All samples were binders obtained from neat asphalts as control samples and extracted from the top of asphalt mixtures briquettes. Neat binders were aged following Peformance Grade SUPERPAVE® method. Also, SUPERPAVE® dense graded methodology was used to manufacture the MD-12 asphalt mixtures. The top of the briquettes was subjected to periods of ultraviolet radiation and condensation of 2 hours each, during 1000 hours. After aging treatments, the aged binder’s complex moduli increase and phase angles reduce but showed similar results in both asphalts. Nevertheless, the aging ratio measured through the colloidal instability index was two times from the AC 60-70, while in the AC 80-100 was 1.5 times after 50 hours PAV, and was 1.9 times after 1000 hours UV treatment. The aforementioned could be explain due to binder film thickness, which is different in asphalt mixture respect to PAV test. SARA fractionation showed increases in asphalthene moieties in all asphalts after all treatments and it should explain ductility loss and rigidity increase on asphalt mixtures after aging.
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