Vol. 31 No. 2 (2018): Revista ION

Kinetics of Vacuum Impregnation of Parallelepipeds of Cidra (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz) with Mora and Grape Formulations


Published 2019-02-03


  • Bioactive Compounds,
  • Formulation,
  • Concentration,
  • Pulp,
  • Citron,
  • Vacuum Impregnation.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Duque Cifuentes, A. L., Mejía Doria, C. M., & Fernández Parra, J. (2019). Kinetics of Vacuum Impregnation of Parallelepipeds of Cidra (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz) with Mora and Grape Formulations. Revista ION, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v31n2-2018008


The citron Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw., is among the foods with low fat content and high content in fiber, vitamins and minerals and can be used as a vehicle for the addition of bioactive compounds. The process of vacuum impregnation (IV) is used as an alternative for the conservation and addition of bioactive compounds and solutes, improving the nutritional and sensorial characteristics. To carry out this process, the fruits of blackberry and grape were used for their attractive color, juiciness, pleasant flavor and high content of vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds. The objective of this investigation was to determine the kinetics of vacuum impregnation of parallelepipeds of citron in blackberry and grape formulations. Five formulations were prepared% v / v with blackberry and grape pulp (A: 100% blackberry, B: 100% grape, C: 25% blackberry / 75% grape, D: 50% blackberry / 50% grape, E: 75 % grape / 25% delay), the citron was chopped into geometry of parallelepipeds and submerged in the formulations to perform the IV by applying a vacuum pulse of 50 mbar for the first 5 min followed by restoration of atmospheric pressure for 5 min; this procedure was repeated until constant weight was reached. The citron samples reached a balance between 100 and 120 min of treatment. Formulation D was the one that best responded to this system of pressures, since the parallelepipeds presented less weight loss, which indicates greater solute gain.


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