Liberation Theology and Pastoral of liberation: between solidarity and insurgency.
Published 2012-08-27
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This article aims to show the impact of the Pastoral of Liberation in Colombia (todayknown as Liberation Theology) and how its main promoters, including priests CamiloTorres Restrepo, Diego Uribe, Domingo Lain Sanz, Manuel Martinezand, and JoseAntonio Perez Jimenez ended linked to the National Liberation Army (ELN). Thestructure of the article consists of an introduction with an emphasis on social andpolitical situation in the world in the 60s. Then, it draws a distinction between theconcepts of Liberation Theology and Pastoral of Liberation; explores the processof change of Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council and the EpiscopalConference gathered in Medellín; studies the phenomenon of Golconda; and finisheswith an analysis of the performance of the so-called “rebel priests” in the context ofnew concepts in vogue on the social and political action of the Church.
Keywords: Liberation Theology, Second Vatican Council, Golconda case, MedellínEpiscopal Conference, base ecclesial communities