About the Journal


  1. Focus and Scope
  2. Peer Review Process
  3. Open Access Policy
  4. Mission
  5. Vision
  6. Indexing
  7. Publication ethics and good practice guidelines
  8. Subscription Coupon

Focus and Scope

The Boletín de Geología is a quarterly international publication intended for original and high quality studies in the Geosciences. The Boletín de Geología consists of the Editorial board, International Scientific board and a group of referees which it includes local and foreign professionals.

Peer Review Process

The works received will be reviewed by the Editorial Board to verify that its content is appropriate for the journal and meets the editorial standards. These will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. If both arbitrators agree in rejecting the article or there is a serious question about its content, it will not be approved for publication in the Bulletin. If one of the peers rejects it; it will proceed to send the document to a third evaluator. The results of the evaluations will be sent to the authors and the names of the evaluators will remain anonymous except if they want to reveal themselves.

Open Access Policy

The Boletín de Geología is a quarterly publication dedicated to international circulation of original and high quality studies in the field of geoscience. The journal is made by the Editorial team, among which there are professionals from the country and abroad.

The journal can be freely accessed at no cost.


The Boletín de Geología is a quarterly international publication intended for original and high quality studies in the Geosciences. It aims to disseminate scientific work of national and foreign researchers serving as a mean of expression and exchange of intellectual productivity, to contribute to material and social development of Colombia.


To become a reference for national and international scientific community as one of the most important means of disseminating knowledge in Geosciences, maintain a high rating category in the database of science and technology journals, and broaden circulation to reach more researchers and strengthen the recognition that we both have in the academic and professional level.


The BOLETÍN DE GEOLOGÍA is indexed in:

PUBLINDEX, Índice Nacional de Publicaciones Seriadas Científicas y Tecnológicas Colombianas de COLCIENCIAS en Categoría B

SciELO Colombia, Scientific Electronic Library Online de Colombia.

Emerging Sources Citation Index

EBSCO FUENTE ACADÉMICA PREMIER, Base Bibliográfica Fuente Académica.

GEOREF, principal base datos en Geología.

MINERALOGICAL ABSTRACTS, Resumen editado por la Sociedad de Mineralogía de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda.

Dialnet, Indice español de revistas multidiciplinarias.


LATINDEX , El Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal.

REDIB: Red Iberoamericanda del Innovación y conocimiento Científico.

SCOPUS, la mayor base de datos de resúmenes y citas de literatura revisada por pares: revistas científicas, libros y actas de congresos.

RedALyC, Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal.


Publication ethics and good practice guidelines

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